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TD Insurance presents "No Ordinary Leader. No Ordinary Night" - a gala celebrating retiring #AcadiaU President and Vice-Chancellor Ray Ivany on Friday, May 26. Thank you to all of our sponsors, friends, and family for supporting this special evening set for the Halifax World Trade and Convention Centre. #PresidentsGala
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Alumni and friends of #AcadiaU are set to come together on Friday, May 26, 2017, in Halifax at the World Trade and Convention Centre for the President’s Gala to celebrate and honour the many contributions to the University and community of retiring President Raymond E. Ivany. #PresidentsGala
Timeline Photos
Attention grads: Downloads of #AcadiaU's 2017 Convocation webcasts are now available online!
Acadia Athletics
Got your tickets yet? #AcadiaU #PCT
Acadia to induct eight into Sports Hall of Fame
#AcadiaU announces 2017 Sports Hall of Fame Inductees
Convocation 2017
ICYMI - #AcadiaU conferred five Honorary Degrees during its 2017 Convocation Ceremonies on May 14 and 15, 2017. Alongside approximately 800 graduates who received undergraduate and graduate diplomas, including the first two graduates in Acadia’s history to be awarded a PhD, the following eminent individuals joined Acadia’s Class of 2017 because of their lifetime commitment to academic, social, and scientific achievement: Dr. Conville Brown (’79); Sandra Irving (’74); Maureen McTeer; Rick Tobias (’76, ’81); and Dr. Robert Walker (’73). Check out the photo gallery:
Veteran will install sandbags May 25 in homage to Acadia war dead
Acadia University Art Gallery
Lucy Jarvis, Boy, charcoal/pencil The #AcadiaU Art Gallery is pleased to present Face Value. Drawing on the permanent collection in the Acadia University Art Gallery’s collection, the exhibition explores how the human experience is represented in portraiture. The selected works emphasize women’s experience and the under-representation of women in art. The exhibition is the result of research undertaken by students enrolled in HIST 3693-Special Topics: Introduction to Curating. In this course students were introduced to history of museums and curating, and learned the mechanics of building an exhibition. The students developed the curatorial theme as well as selecting and researching the works of art, culminating in a public exhibition. Please join us for the opening reception and presentations of student research on Wednesday May 24, 11 a.m. Come see the exhibition and hear the approaches the students took in research and developing the project. The exhibition will be on view until June 11.
Karen Hutt (’89), President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power, joins Acadia’s Board of Governors - Acadia University
#AcadiaU Board of Governors Chair John Rogers (’79) announced May 19, 2017, that Karen Hutt (’89), President and CEO of Nova Scotia Power, has been appointed to Acadia’s Board of Governors for a six-year term.
Acadia Athletics
Get ready! AUS season opens for the #AcadiaU football Axemen on Sat., Aug. 26 at MtA 2 p.m. - 100 DAYS from today. Axemen open at home on Sat., Sept. 2 at 4 p.m. vs Bishop's Gaiters. Season tickets - EARLY BIRD Special - ends May 31, 2017. $30 for 4 games and first choice for playoff tickets.
Acadia University Future Students
Residence assignments can now be found in students' Acadia Central account. If you haven't applied for residence yet, it's not too late! Accept your offer of admission from #AcadiaU to open the residence application. First-year students are guaranteed a room in residence.
Acadia University Library
TODAY from 2-5pm: The Skinny on Fat: An Interdisciplinary Discussion Thursday, May 18th, from 2-5pm, in BAC room 141 for a public lecture by Dr. Karen Crosby, from Mount Allison University. Dr. Crosby will be speaking on the brain, appetite, and obesity in rats with implications in human obesity. Followed by a launch of: Acadia Reads - 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl #AcadiaU