The worldwide leader in doing great things in the spa and salon industry within Quesnel. Spa Rivier is a wellness spa and salon that thrives in the downtown core of Quesnel. A few blocks away from where the two Rivers meet. The Fraser River is represented in our logo as the big blue wave, while the small green wave represents the Quesnel River.
A family run business that has continually grown and diversified. Donna and her team have moved towards health and wellness, where true beauty is more than a look, but a lifestyle.
Spa Rivier is proud to offer our clients the benefit of a loyalty program, with spa dollars to spend or save as they desire.
Our green spa program is our team’s commitment to the long term health of the community. Every team member every day chooses to make a green contribution.
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facebook.comWe are always open till 8 PM on Thursdays . Now the boutique is as well #Spa #salon #quesnel #sparivier @sparivier
Wella reds are beautiful,, thank you Hannah for the visit this morning 😁❤️
Happy Easter ! Enjoy your family time
#Spa #salon #quesnel #sparivier @sparivier
Spring is here at the Spa Rivier Boutique #Spa #salon #quesnel #sparivier @sparivier
#Spa #salon #quesnel #sparivier @sparivier
Are you looking for a big change this spring, extensions may be for you!
#microblading #micropigmentation #cosmetictattoo #onpromo #dontmissout #sparivier #quesnel #spa #salon @spagirl_sparivier @sparivier
#michalashes #lovelashing #colorfullashes #icoulddothiseveryday
#lovelashes #colorfullashes #fulllashesextension #michalashes #icouldlasheveryday