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Currently the Keller Field Bleachers are under construction and are temporarily closed. For everyone's safety and to keep the construction on schedule, please stay off and away from the bleachers during this construction period. We encourage you to bring your lawn chairs during this time. We will update this page once the construction is complete.
PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised the Town of Westlock is working on a data collection program. This involves staff walking throughout Westlock using a GPS unit, collecting the location of Town infrastructure. You may see staff on your property locating water valves etc. If the infrastructure is located below surface, there will be a small ground disturbance where staff have had to hand dig and expose the infrastructure.
Westlock Canada Day Celebrations
2017 Canada Day Celebrations 2:00pm to 11:00pm Westlock Rotary Spirit Centre Parking Lot 11:00pm Fireworks @ the Westlock Rotary Spirit Centre Ag. Track... lots of bleacher seatting will be available. Live Entertainment Stage: Bands: Our Good Wolf, Soap Box Duo, Good Nature Magician Shows: Mullen the Magician Westlock Talent Showcase presented by Real Country 97.9 For more information and registration information, please click the link below DJ and Announcing by The Pickardville DJ Dancing Showcase by Westlock Ukrainian Dance *Please note stage times are TBA* Beer Gardens & BBQ hosted by the Westlock Legion Canada Day Cake sponsored by Sobeys Westlock Inflatable Entertainment JumpAround Promotions Alberta Inc. Facepainting by Mary Grace Malone Kids Games A Canada Day Market (2:00pm until at least 7:00pm) on the Westlock Curling Rink Ice Surface. Local area businesses and non-profit groups will be participating. No cost to register for a table, please click through for more information and registration package. Visit for more information.
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Notice: All ball diamonds except diamond 17 are now open! Diamond 17 will open this Wednesday May 10th. Thank you for your cooperation throughout the closure.
Please be advised that the business Healthy Home Innovations Ltd., in sales partnership with Healthtek, has had their Town of Westlock Business License revoked as of Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. If a representative from this company comes to your door, do not let them in your home and please contact the Town Office immediately (780-349-4444)
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Along with the Canada Day market, another aspect of this year's Canada 150 Celebrations for the Town of Westlock on July 1st will be... a Community Talent Showcase. We are currently looking for anyone willing to show your talents (musically, theatrically or otherwise). Time and length of performance will vary depending on amount of registered performers. All ages allowed to perform and all performances MUST be family friendly. Please email Travis Darling at to register to perform. Please note this is not a contest or a paid showcase.
Town of Westlock - Local Notices
Due to the wet conditions, the Town of Westlock ball diamonds will be closed until further notice. Use of the diamonds while in their current conditions will create more damage and further delays to users. We will post further updates once the ball diamonds will be available again. We thank you for your cooperation.¬ice=C4DD98D7-4816-491D-80B1-BDFB32108B7D
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Due to low registration, the Town of Westlock has made the hard decision to cancel the 2017 Spirit of Westlock Triathlon on June 10th, 2017 All registered participants will be contacted with further details on all their refunds. We would like to thank all the people that had registered, all the sponsors that commited to the event and anyone that has helped in trying to make this event run.
Emergency Vehicles and the Rules of the Road
What do you do when you are being approached by an Emergency Vehicle from the front or rear? The short answer is "Pull to the right and STOP". Please click here for more information: Please help us arrive safely!
Town of Westlock, Alberta |
Reminder: Organics collection begins this Monday (May 1st). For the full schedule and details, please click through here:
Due to lack of participants the Tuesday night aqua fit classes at the Westlock Aquatic Center have been canceled until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please join us on our Thursday night aqua fit class 7-8pm