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Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Welland

77 Division St., Welland, Canada
Church/religious organization



The Parish of Holy Trinity was established in 1857 in Welland, ON. and is a friendly and caring community of the Anglican faith.
The Parish of Holy Trinity was established in 1857 with the purchase of one acre of land on Smith Street, where the Anglican Cemetery is now situated.  Our first rector, Reverend James Stannage, was the overseer to the building of a church which opened its doors on the July 17, 1859.  The growing congregation decided to build a new church in a more centrally located site.  The entrance and appearance of this building has remained a constant presence in the heart of the City of Welland. We belong to the world-wide Anglican Communion, with 70 million members in 168 countries.   We are a community of Christians bound together by our belief that Holy Scripture contains the very core of all Christian faith.  Through the many ancient, as well as modern, stories that connect us to Jesus and his teachings, we discover daily God's hope and call to us in our life together.
Sunday Eucharistic Celebrations are at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. (Choral) with Sunday School provided for little ones at 10 a.m. and followed by a Coffee House in the Parish Hall.  Everyone is welcome!
A mid-week Eucharistic Celebration is held on Wednesdays at noon. We welcome all!


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Shrove Tuesday is fast approaching - Tuesday February 9!! Join your friends and family for a delightful supper of pancakes, sausage, coffee, tea and dessert served from 4:30-7. Adults $7 Under 12 $4 Best deal in town!

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Photos from Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Welland's post

Great turn out of choir today including new members! Many compliments from the congregation!

Photos from Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Welland's post

Just a note to pass on - unfortunately the Midweek Eucharist this Wednesday January 20 is cancelled - see you Sunday and the following Wednesday when it is back on!!

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This Sunday's Gospel tells of the Wedding at Cana where Jesus begins His public ministry.

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Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord and we will hear about the revelation of who God really is: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - 3 Persons, one God.

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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany - the Journey of the Magi - the Manifestation of Christ. Celebrations of the Eucharist are at 8 and 10 a.m. All are welcome!

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NEAR Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Welland