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Christ Church - Waterloo

445 Anndale Rd, Waterloo, Canada
Church/religious organization



Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church strives to be a welcoming, caring, innovative, and spiritually vibrant Christian community serving Waterloo, Ontario. Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

Christ Lutheran Church is a multi-generational and multi-cultural community of faith – reflective of our neighborhood.  Most of our members and friends can walk to Sunday worship from their homes.  

Christ Church supports the Food Bank of Waterloo Region and serves as home to the Lincoln Village Kids-in-the-Community Weekday Activities Program. The program provides before and after-school whole-group and individual activities for children from Sandowne,  Lexington and St. Luke's schools.

For much of our history, Christ Church has enjoyed a partnership with Waterloo Lutheran Seminary as a site for supervised field placement. Leena Jensen is serving in our community for the 2014-2015 program year.

Christ Church is also home to the 2nd Waterloo Girl Guides, Music Together of Kitchener-Waterloo, the Sri Abiramy Dance Academy, the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada (K-W Centre), the Renaissance School for the Arts Summer Flute Camp, the Waterloo North Optimists’ Bike Rodeo, and the 1st Lexington Scouts Apple Day.

Our community involvement and outreach grow from ...

  • Every-Sunday worship with Holy Communion;
  • a dynamic Sunday School and Youth Ministry program led by Alicia Becker;

  • a lively spirit of inquiry reflected in a variety of educational opportunities;
  • community events such as our Annual Community BBQ and our Christmas Craft and Bake Sale;
  • the sponsorship of many parish projects by FaithLife Financial; and
  • an earnest desire to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ through our many ministries of hospitality and support.

All are welcome at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waterloo, Ontario.


Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Christ Church - Waterloo

Christ Church - Waterloo

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church

Photographs from the remarkable week-to-week journey of the people of Christ Lutheran Church, Waterloo.

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church

Timeline Photos

Call for Actors and Crew! In 2016, Christ Lutheran will be staging a modernized version of Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People, November 10-12 @ 8 pm. Richard Walsh, the director of this very topical play about the impact of toxic water on a community, is seeking individuals as actors or crew members. Interested? Please contact Richard at your earliest convenience @ .

Timeline Photos

Christ Church - Waterloo

Christ Church - Waterloo

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church

Photographs from the remarkable week-to-week journey of the people of Christ Lutheran Church, Waterloo.

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Church - Waterloo

Congratulations, Sheryl! We are proud of you!

Christ Church - Waterloo

Together with Christ Church youth, Pastor Olavi invites us into a happy and ancient grand orans on Lent 1 / Valentine's Day / Family Day.

Christ Church - Waterloo

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Christ Church - Waterloo's cover photo

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church

Photographs from the remarkable week-to-week journey of the people of Christ Lutheran Church, Waterloo.

Lent at Christ Lutheran Church


NEAR Christ Church - Waterloo