News and Information for the Anglican Community of All Saints in Vernon BC.
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Please enjoy this article from the Vernon Morning Star newspaper about one of our parishioners and retired clergy.
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Foodband/Neighbourlink collection is this Sunday May7th. If you are able to bring a food item to Church with you, your efforts to contribute would be greatly appreciated. If you miss collection this Sunday, you can also drop off food items anytime during regular office hours. Meats, fish, canned fruit and vegetables are appreciated.
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Did we get your attention? You are going to flip over our Spring Bazaar. Come for Tea and Strawberry Shortcake and stay to shop for all kinds of fun stuff. This Saturday at All Saints Anglican Church hall from 2-4. See you there!!!
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Please consider joining the HEALING PRAYER TEAM. Healing prayers are held, during the services, on the third Sunday of each month, we are looking for people to join the team to help pray for parishioners who need healing for themselves or others. An orientation meeting, with lunch after, will be held on Tuesday, May 9th, in the Mather Room. Please RSVP to Jane, call the office during office hours or message this page for a contact number.
All Saints Anglican Church, Vernon BC
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Spring Tea & Bazaar April 29th from 2-4. Come for tea and strawberry shortcake, shop for baking, books, gifts and plants. Bring your friends, wear your best hat and enjoy some quality time. This is a big fund raiser for our Church, so please come out and have some fun.
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Spring Tea & Bazaar April 29th from 2-4. Would you like to help at the bazaar or make donations of home baking, delicatessen, crafts, knitting, re-gifting items, books and plants? These are most appreciated. Baking is a huge draw for us and we sell out every time so please bake up a storm and drop it off at the office during the week, or Saturday morning during the set up. This is a big fund raiser for us so please help out. Thank you.
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All Saints Anglican Church, Vernon BC
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Coming up at All Saints Anglican Church Tonight @ 8pm; The Great Vigil of Easter with a baptism. Tomorrow; Easter Sunday. Services at 7:45, 9:15 and 11:00am Please Join us for the celebration of the risen Christ.
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Here is the schedule for Holy Week. Please come and join us for any or all the services.
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Please take a moment today to remember the brave Canadians that fought and won the battle of Vimy Ridge one hundred years ago today. Over 120 of All Saints parishioners volunteered for our armed forces during the first two years of WW1. Less then half returned. The picture below is a permanent monument at All Saints to honor veterans from both major conflicts.