The goal of this page is to connect parents in Vaughan, Vaugn, and Vaughn Mills with accurate information regarding male infant/child circumcision, female circumcision, circumcision clinics and circumcision doctors. What do we mean by Circumcision?
This page is concerned with non-therapeutic circumcision, which is the amputation of the foreskin (prepuce) without medical indication. Almost all circumcisions preformed in Canada, and globally, are non-therapeutic. As a result non-therapeutic circumcision is commonly referred to as just “circumcision”.
What is the foreskin?
The foreskin is a highly innervated and erogenous double layer of skin that surrounds the glan of the penis. The inner layer contains a mucosa membrane. The foreskin has numerous functions. During infancy, the foreskin is attached to the glans and protects it from urine, feces, and abrasion from diapers/environment. Throughout life, the foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma, infection, and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing. Additionally 20, 000 specialized nerve endings in the foreskin, the gliding mechanism of the foreskin, and its lubrication functions enhances sexual pleasure for both males and females. During circumcision up to 50% of the skin on the penis is removed. On average this equates to a loss of 100 cm2 on the adult male penis.
How is infant circumcision preformed and what are the risks?
The baby is placed spread out on his back upon a board called a circumstraint. His arms and legs are strapped down to this board so that he can’t move. His genitals are scrubbed and covered with antiseptic. The foreskin is then torn from his glan and crushed and/or cut off using a circumcision device. The three main devices used in Canada are: mogen (recently went bankrupt), plastibell, and gomco clamp. Overall the procedure is very painful and traumatic for the infant. As a result some babies pass out. In Canada and the United States anesthetic is generally not used. However even if it is, the procedure is still extremely painful. The immediate risk of complications is between 2% to 10%. This includes excessive bleeding, infection, complications from anesthetic (if used), heart failure, surgical mistakes such as loss of glan or entire penis, and even death. The last reported death occurred in 2007 in Ottawa. The baby was circumcised using the plastibell device. Though it is estimate that as many as four deaths occur each year in Canada. Long-term risks include extensive scarring, skin bridges, meatal stenosis (10% of circumcised boys), painful erections, loss of sensation, difficulty ejaculating, tearing/bleeding at the scar, and psychological issues. Overall the long-term complications are not well studied.
Gomco Video #1:
Gomco Video #2 (Canadian):
Plastibell Video:
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facebook.com10 Horrifically Botched Circumcisions
Many people do not realize just how detrimental circumcision can be. This article enumerates 10 of some of the worst cases of botched circumcisions, which in some cases, even result in death.
Montreal Foreskin Pride Fundraiser
Friends, please help us raise the money we need to fund this important project! Even a dollar will help! We need to buy a big banner for the parade, print French info cards, and hopefully purchase other materials that we need for our Foreskin Appreciation & Restoration Booth at Montreal Pride. Please Help!
Montreal Foreskin Pride Fundraiser
Friends, please help us raise the money we need to fund this important project! Even a dollar will help! We need to buy a big banner for the parade, print French info cards, and hopefully purchase other materials that we need for our Foreskin Appreciation & Restoration Booth at Montreal Pride. Please Help!
Soggy Mamas 2.0
Another victim of misinformation and lack of informed consent. Genital cutting disrupts a baby's eating/breastfeeding. This is common.
Soggy Mamas 2.0
Another victim of misinformation and lack of informed consent. Genital cutting disrupts a baby's eating/breastfeeding. This is common.
Georganne Chapin on KPFT Radio, Houston, Texas, June 10, 2016
Intact America's Georganne Chapin interviewed on KPFT Radio, Houston, Texas, June 10, 2016
Georganne Chapin on KPFT Radio, Houston, Texas, June 10, 2016
Intact America's Georganne Chapin interviewed on KPFT Radio, Houston, Texas, June 10, 2016
Jewish Mothers have Jewish Babies. No circumcision required!
Did you know that if the mother is Jewish, her baby is also Jewish, and there is NO need for circumcision for the baby to be considered Jewish? A new, alternative, peaceful baby-naming ceremony now exists for #Jewish parents when they have a new baby boy: #BritShalom
Jewish Mothers have Jewish Babies. No circumcision required!
Did you know that if the mother is Jewish, her baby is also Jewish, and there is NO need for circumcision for the baby to be considered Jewish? A new, alternative, peaceful baby-naming ceremony now exists for #Jewish parents when they have a new baby boy: #BritShalom
Is Male Circumcision A Violation Of Human Rights?
Is male #circumcision a violation of human rights?
Is Male Circumcision A Violation Of Human Rights?
Is male #circumcision a violation of human rights?
Snip snap
"Circumcision first became popular in the late 19th century as a supposed cure for masturbation—and health problems from headaches to tuberculosis. After the second world war it became associated in America with hygiene and wealth; in other rich countries governments (which paid for most health care) were unconvinced of its merits."