A premier Casting House and Facility in the heart of downtown Toronto. For the love of all things Casting.
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facebook.comAttention Walmart Shoppers. We need males only now....30 plus real people customers ( no actors please ) of Walmart on Friday ( in Toronto/Mississauga for a max of 6 hours to rate our store and comment. Pays $300 cash adults all ethnicities. WE NEED 10 FOLKS! Transport provided. No audition pic only. Send here as private message with name, age and casual pic.
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We are still looking for Canadian Tire! Deadline to submit has been extended to Friday, May 6th at 9am. Please review roles below and share with anyone suitable. Thanks! Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Seeking Various Canadians For an Upcoming Canadian Tire Campaign! Description We’re working on a commercial for Canadian Tire and looking for a wide range of Canadians who INSPIRE us! Roles (All roles are open to adults) Canadian Mountie- Looking for an authentic Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer. Summer Olympic Athletes- Looking for female athletes whose sport would be in the summer Olympics. Should be visually fit/in good shape. Age range is early 20’s. Physical Therapy Patient- Looking for an individual currently going through rehabilitation or physical therapy. Please note in your submission your injury and if you are currently using any form of mobility aid (i.e. wheelchair, crutches, cane). Should be able to raise his/her self on to parallel bars. Aboriginal Canadians- Looking for Aboriginal Canadians. Aboriginal Elder- Looking for an Aboriginal Canadian who is an Elder in their community. Military Member/Peacekeeper- Looking for an authentic member of the Canadian Armed Forces or a Canadian Military Peacekeeper. Can be active or retired. Forest Ranger/Park Manager- Looking for someone who has experience protecting and preserving parklands. *Pays approximately $1500 per individual if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us a bit about yourself! 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your resume & agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘Canadian Tire’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name, age & role you are applying for. (E.G. Canadian Tire- John Smith- age 27- Farmer) Submissions are due by: Friday, May 6th at 9am (However the earlier you submit the better!) You must be available for these key dates in Toronto: AUDITION: May 10th SHOOT: May 16th-19th (1 day only) Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition. *This is a non-union job PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336
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Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Seeking Bartenders For an Upcoming Beer Campaign! Roles Bartenders- Looking for male & female bartenders! Age range is late 30’s. Friendly, approachable, able to quickly crack open several beers consecutively. Skilled but not showy. Ideally looking for folks with authentic bartending/serving skills. *MUST BE LEGALLY 25 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER *Pays approximately $4000 per individual if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us about your bartending experience 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your resume & agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘PROJECT DALMATIAN’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name and age. (E.G. PROJECT DALMATIAN- John Smith –age 38) Submissions are due by: Friday, May 6th at 12pm (However the earlier you submit the better!) You must be available for these key dates: AUDITION: May 9th WARDROBE: May 12th SHOOT: May 13th &/or 14th Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition. *This is a non-union job PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: : TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336 / F: (416) 360 0465
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Help! We are still looking for someone in rehabilitation/physical therapy for our Canadian Tire job! Do you know someone who is working through an injury or uses a mobility aid? Please share this notice with them! Physical Therapy Patient- Looking for an individual currently going through rehabilitation or physical therapy. Please note in your submission your injury and if you are currently using any form of mobility aid (i.e. wheelchair, crutches, cane). Should be able to raise his/her self on to parallel bars. *Pays approximately $1500 per individual if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us a bit about yourself! 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your resume & agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘Canadian Tire’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name, age & role you are applying for. (E.G. Canadian Tire- John Smith- age 27- Farmer) Submissions are due by: ASAP! You must be available for these key dates in Toronto: AUDITION: May 10th SHOOT: May 16th-19th (1 day only) *This is a non-union job
Beer Spot non union cast Tuesday PAYS $4500. Must be 25-30 attractive. If you have agent let them submit but if you don't ..send pics here to our fb message option with tel #. DON'T POST PUBLICLY..(u don't want people calling you)... and we'll call u in if suitable. Shoots May 13 or 14/16
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HELP! We're low on the following submissions for Canadian Tire: PHYSICAL THERAPY PATIENT SYRUP PRODUCER FOUNDRY WORKER FOREST RANGER PEACEKEEPER Please share with friends over the weekend! Thanks Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Seeking Various Canadians For an Upcoming Canadian Tire Campaign! Description We’re working on a commercial for Canadian Tire and looking for a wide range of Canadians who INSPIRE us! Roles (All roles are open to adults) Peacekeeper- Looking for an authentic Canadian Military Peacekeeper. Can be active or retired. Physical Therapy Patient- Looking for an individual currently going through rehabilitation or physical therapy. Please note in your submission your injury and if you are currently using any form of mobility aid (i.e. wheelchair, crutches, cane). Should be able to raise his/her self on to parallel bars. Syrian Newcomers- Looking for a Syrian family (ideally with children) that has recently immigrated to Canada. Axe Woman- Looking for a woman who can handle an axe. Aboriginal Canadians- Looking for Aboriginal Canadians. Aboriginal Elder- Looking for an Aboriginal Canadian who is an Elder in their community. Fisherman- Looking for individuals who have fishing experience. Would love if he had a Maritime look (weathered skin, bushy beard) but do not limit. Veteran- Looking for an authentic Canadian War Veteran. Syrup Producer- Looking for individuals who have experience collecting & processing maple syrup. Specifically tapping trees. Foundry Worker- Looking for an authentic steel worker/welder. Someone who has experience welding, sparking, etc. Forest Ranger/Park Manager- Looking for someone who has experience protecting and preserving parklands. Individual with Vision Loss- Looking for an individual with vision loss who uses a guide dog. Clean Up Volunteers- Looking for an organized group or individuals who have experience with participating in a community clean-up effort (roadside/park/riverside). Summer Olympic Athletes- Looking for real athletes whose sport would be in the summer Olympics. *Pays approximately $1500 per individual if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us a bit about yourself! 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your resume & agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘Canadian Tire’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name, age & role you are applying for. (E.G. Canadian Tire- John Smith- age 27- Farmer) Submissions are due by: Monday, May 2nd at 9am (However the earlier you submit the better!) You must be available for these key dates in Toronto: AUDITION: May 5th, 6th or 7th SHOOT: May 16th-19th (1 day only) Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition. *This is a non-union job PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336
Timeline Photos
Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Looking For Asian or South Asian Women for an Upcoming Cereal Campaign! Roles SOC- Grandmother: Looking for an Asian or South Asian woman to portray the grandmother in our cereal spot! Age range is 60-75 years old. Must be able to eat cereal! Good smile, good eater. *Pays approximately $1000 if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name & age 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your union status, resume & your agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘PROJECT CEREAL’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name and age. (E.G. PROJECT CEREAL– Jane Smith –age 65) Submissions are due by: Friday, April 29th at 4pm You must be available for these key dates: AUDITION: April 30th RECALL: May 3rd WARDROBE: May 9th SHOOT: May 12th Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition *This is a union job. Real people will be permitted *You must be a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen to participate *If you have received this bulletin after the initial audition date, please still email us your submission as you may be able to attend the recall audition PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336
Did anyone loose prescription sunglasses? We found some in a case. Email us if they are yours:
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Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Looking For Female Actors with Improv Skills for an Upcoming PSA! Description This union PSA is for a great cause so we would love some help finding fabulous female actors with improv skills! If you are a represented actor please include your agent’s info in your submission and we will contact them. Roles PP- Host: Female, age range is 35-45 years old. Attractive & relatable. Healthy & fit. Approachable & friendly. Looking for talent with strong improv skills. There will be a rough script but she needs to play off of real people and their reactions. *Pays a $500 honorarium if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us about your improv experience 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your union status, resume & your agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘IMPROV PSA’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name and age. (E.G. IMPROV PSA- Jane Smith- age 40) Submissions are due by: Monday, April 25th at 12pm You must be available for these key dates: AUDITION: April 26th SHOOT: May 1st Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition *This is a union job *You must be a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen to participate PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336
Does anyone know IDENTICAL TWINS that are 60 years or older?? Our friends at Milo Casting need help with this difficult casting! Milo Casting Inc. is seeking UNIQUE IDENTICAL TWINS MALE OR FEMALE – 60+ – ANY ETHNICITY for a Creative Campaign being photographed by one of the worlds leading commercial photographers! If selected twin duos will earn $400.00 for just 2-3 hours! PLUS you will receive a copy of the prestigious creative piece and an invitation to the launch party for the creative. Seeking: Identical Twins: - Males or Females; 60 years and older. - Living in the GTA or willing to commute for the shoot - Heavily tatted, crazy hair, crazy body types or modifications etc, all welcome Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be considered for this project. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your names, age, and telephone number 2. Recent photos of yourselves (one close-up, one full body and one together.) Candid’s are acceptable 3. Please write “Twins Campaign ” in the subject line followed by your name. (i.e.: Twins Campaign – Jane & Mary Smith) You must be available for these key dates in Toronto: SHOOT: April 29th or April 30th *** Please send in your submission ASAP*** Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, April 27th Questions or Concerns Please contact us at 416-360-0465 Shannon at x 233 or Colleen at x234 60 SUMACH ST /3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0465 / F: (416) 360 0465
Timeline Photos
MORE ROLES ADDED! Please take a look and share with anyone that would be interested. Thanks! Jigsaw Casting Ltd. Is Seeking Various Canadians For an Upcoming Canadian Tire Campaign! Description We’re working on a commercial for Canadian Tire and looking for a wide range of Canadians who INSPIRE us! Roles (All roles are open to adults) Peacekeeper- Looking for an authentic Canadian Military Peacekeeper. Can be active or retired. Physical Therapy Patient- Looking for an individual currently going through rehabilitation or physical therapy. Please note in your submission your injury and if you are currently using any form of mobility aid (i.e. wheelchair, crutches, cane). Should be able to raise his/her self on to parallel bars. Syrian Newcomers- Looking for a Syrian family (ideally with children) that has recently immigrated to Canada. Axe Woman- Looking for a woman who can handle an axe. Aboriginal Canadians- Looking for Aboriginal Canadians. Aboriginal Elder- Looking for an Aboriginal Canadian who is an Elder in their community. Fisherman- Looking for individuals who have fishing experience. Would love if he had a Maritime look (weathered skin, bushy beard) but do not limit. Veteran- Looking for an authentic Canadian War Veteran. Syrup Producer- Looking for individuals who have experience collecting & processing maple syrup. Specifically tapping trees. Foundry Worker- Looking for an authentic steel worker/welder. Someone who has experience welding, sparking, etc. Forest Ranger/Park Manager- Looking for someone who has experience protecting and preserving parklands. Individual with Vision Loss- Looking for an individual with vision loss who uses a guide dog. Clean Up Volunteers- Looking for an organized group or individuals who have experience with participating in a community clean-up effort (roadside/park/riverside). Summer Olympic Athletes- Looking for real athletes whose sport would be in the summer Olympics. *Pays approximately $1500 per individual if selected Details & Submission Information If interested, you must submit in order to be invited in to audition. Please e-mail the following to: 1. Your name, age and tell us a bit about yourself! 2. Photo(s) of yourself (Where we can clearly see your face. Ideally no hats or sunglasses) 3. Your primary contact information (phone number & email address) *If you are a represented actor, please include your resume & agent’s contact information 4. Please write ‘Canadian Tire’ in subject line of e-mail, along with your name, age & role you are applying for. (E.G. Canadian Tire- John Smith- age 27- Farmer) Submissions are due by: Monday, May 2nd at 9am (However the earlier you submit the better!) You must be available for these key dates in Toronto: AUDITION: May 5th, 6th or 7th SHOOT: May 16th-19th (1 day only) Questions or Concerns *If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information *Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition. *This is a non-union job PLEASE JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP FOR FUTURE CASTING CALLS: TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A PERFORMER AND PROTECTING YOURSELF GO TO: 60 SUMACH ST / 3RD FLOOR / TORONTO, ON M5A 3J7 / T: (416) 360 0336
Photos from Jigsaw Casting Ltd.'s post
We are trying to find some STAND IN’s for a new gig. Auditions on MONDAY afternoon and Shoots on April 23rd (if booked). Pays $750 flat. VERY SPECIFIC SPECS... All adult male roles: Stand in #1: around 6”1, 187lb’s **must be BALD. Stand in #2: around 5”8, 166lb’s Stand in #3: around 5”9, 192lb’s. See photo referenced- trying to match to those 3 men. If you fit our spec- please email (with your Stand In role # in subject line) ASAP and we can try and get you into our audition on Monday! If we get submissions over the weekend we may call you last minute monday morning to bring you in. Please tag/share :)
Hurry up and wait

Mama says I gotta earn my keep and start rolling in some dough...There's some fierce competition out there, I'm all natural, but that other "newborn", she's had work done, I'm sure of it. #first #audition #cutebabies #cutefest #casting #castingcall #showbiz


Last stop for today ! @jigsawcasting #themagicbuilding #graffitiart #Toronto #downtown #graffiti #artiseverywhere #ttmanagment thank you for keeping me busy !
