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Nefeli Teaching

118 Finch Avenue West, Toronto, Canada



Academic Tutoring Services and Piano Lessons in Toronto


FREE Math Tutoring Online from Ontario Teachers

FREE Math Tutoring Online for Grade 7-10

Elementary students to get hour of math every day under new Ontario plan | Toronto Star

hmmm, initially I thought this was a great idea. Math every day will help keep students engaged in math on a daily basis and help them master the basics even faster. But if math scores have fallen in Ontario, I think the question we should be asking is why? If the reason is that math hours were reduced, then it makes sense to increase them again. But if they haven't been reduced, if it's the way we are teaching math, then doing more of the same may not help.

My tutoring spots are now 100% booked! If you would like to be put on a wait-list for a weekly spot, let me know.

Line 370. Claim your Child's Tutoring and Music Lessons on Your Next Income Tax Return

More good news: My grade 8 Math student just got accepted into the Bishop Strachan School, and my grade 12 General Support student got accepted into every college program he applied to!!!!

The Frustrating Way Men Underestimate Women In The Classroom

The issue of women's rights and equality is not just about how smart women are. The real issue is in how men perceive their female colleagues. In this study, even if both the male and female students were "A" students, males perceived the female as a B student. There was no such bias from females when perceiving their male colleagues. What does this mean in the work force? Do women have to overachieve to be perceived as equals?

Proud of my IB MATH student who got 100% on his latest test!

Stop Studying. You're Doing It Wrong. And 5 Ways To Do It Right.

I think many of us can relate

If you're not the 1 in 3 Ontario parents who hire a private tutor for your child, here are 3...

School stress and anxiety are real. It's exam time for many students and for those without the right support, this can be a very overwhelming time. If you hear anyone say their kids hate math or are just not good at school, please give them my contact info! They don't need to struggle. All students can do well if they have the right tutor.


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Toronto, Canada
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