Uptown Cut
Uptown Cut restaurant & catering strives to innovate in regional cuisine and culinary deliciousness by way of passion. Come to us or have us come to you! Uptown Cut restaurant & catering strives to innovate in regional cuisine and culinary deliciousness by way of passion. Come to us or have us come to you!
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 9pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm
Monday - Saturday 5pm - 10pm
Reservations Recommended
(807) 344-4030
Friday ONLY: 11:30am - 3pm
*Groups of 6 or more can be served at lunch on other days . Reservations required.
(807) 344-4030
Monday: 10am - 6pm
Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 9pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm
We have our own beef company - Signature Steer - and as a result, beef is the star of our menus. For dinner we offer a tasting menu that includes a steak entree as well as an a la carte steak menu. For lunch our chefs create delicious daily specials featuring burgers, salad, pasta, and steak. You can also buy Signature Steer steaks to cook at home! Check out uptowncut.ca to see products and pricing.
Click the link to see our menus! https://uptowncut.ca/dining/
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facebook.comCONGRATULATIONS to ALEX STUART! You are the lucky winner of our WHERE'S THE BEEF post from March 7th. Your prize is a steak dinner for two at Uptown Cut ($200.00 value). Please call us at 344-4030 to book your reservation! Good luck to everyone on our next contest :) Thanks for all the support!
EAT STEAK, PAY LESS! It's Sunday. You worked hard all week. Sunday is a day to take care of yourself, to treat yourself...a day to have your steak and eat it, too! Uptown Cut is open for dinner tonight. Sunday night. In fact we're open EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT! Treat yourself to a steak tonight. A la carte steaks are 50% off! Yes, you read that correctly. 50% off of your steak dinner at Uptown Cut tonight only! Tenderloin, striploin, ribeye! Normally $45 and tonight 50% off. And if you prefer to do the 8 course tasting menu, it's 20% off the tasting menu. (Normally $100/person) Signature Steer steaks are delicious. You know that already. AND they are also nutritious. Beef gives you iron that is easily to absorb and which helps build healthy red blood cells . Beef provides protein, which helps build bones and muscles, And it supplies you with vitamin B12 and zinc, which keeps nerve and red blood cells healthy, and your immune system strong. Uptown Cut for Sunday dinner. Call 344-4030 to make your reservation. Dinner starts at 5pm. 252 Algoma St. S. Treat yourself to nutritious and delicious tonight!
Do you LOVE Signature Steer Beef? Win an Uptown Cut Steak Dinner for 4 . Value $350.00! Draw will be March 25th 2018. Just do three simple LOVEABLE things: 1. Like 2. Share 3. Share a brief thought about the thought and LOVE we put into your Beef (see flyer below) Signature Steer is your quality beef guarantee. It is our farmers signature on your beef. Your ability to know what goes into your body and who raised it. Our farmers sharing the LOVE. ONE LOVE! 5 Loveable simple things we do different. Spread the LOVE. LOVE your body, LOVE your BEEF, LOVE our farmers. ONE LOVE.
I love this town! Training at a great local Gym (Push Fitness) I ran into a great local guy (Nick) repping a great local business (Burger Barn)! Love ya PUSH, Love ya Nick and Love ya Burger Barn! Get out and buy Local!
WHERE’S THE BEEF? FOR: March 7 2018 Like and Share to win dinner at UTC! “Nothing less for so so so much more”! Yesterday we naturally raised many questions consumers should have about their BEEF. Today we will render those questions down and dive deep into the issue of fluff and filler. WHY DO SO MANY BURGER PLACES ADD FILLER OR EXCIPIENTS TO THEIR BURGER PATTY? The answer is simple. They want to provide value based on price and portion size only. They think the consumer does not care about anything other than a cheap price and a big size. Well we know today’s educated consumer wants more. See the pictures below . Common filler is bread crumb that is a known allergen. Costs a fraction of the price and is used to dupe customers into a false sense of perceived value. Today’s BEEF consumer deserves BEEF that is totally transparent, truly valuable and pure. Many companies use filler because if gives the poorer quality commodity ground beef mixed from many farms and many animals a fighting chance to be enjoyable but far from soulful. At Signature Steer we use a very thoughtful and tested method of procuring breeds and primal loins to achieve the best taste and texture available. NO FLUFF, NO FILLER! Top quality Chuck Roll from one single animal from one single farmer who we know very well ground in House moments before you patty goes on the grill is all we do! Nothing less for so so so much more! You need to know the farmer who raised your BEEF! Signature Steer is our farmers Signature on what you eat! Be courageous, ask questions toward knowing you are what you eat! Like and Share to win dinner a Steak dinner for two at UTC. Value $200.00. Draw will be March 15 2018. “At home I serve the kind of food I know the story behind.” - Michael Pollan Sincerely, Cole, Stacey, Kevin, Dwayne, Amber, Amy, Kylie, Zak, Nathan, Samantha and Phil
WHERE’s THE BEEF? Hello Thunder Bay Wow!!! We really love you! You never disappoint. After two weeks in operation it is time to address a few things we have learned over here at Signature Steer Burger. Thanks to all of your constructive feed back. Again, you have proved yourself as a world class place to operate and test a new food concept. We hear all of your amazing comments about the price, portion size, fries, the oil we choose, our ingredients etc etc. One thing we do not hear you all talking about ( which surprises us ) is the BEEF! So, we will start the conversation about why we are all here... the BEEF! The entire reason we opened Signature Steer Burger was to have an I depth conversation about the BEEF and no one is doing it. This is our bad! Here we go....... Imagine a burger without BEEF? Imagine a Burger with better BEEF? Imagine a burger experience that allowed you to know why your BEEF is better? Imagine knowing the farmer who raised your Beef? Imagine your BEEF was ground moments before it hit the grill? Imagine your BEEF came from a single Chuck Roll Loin? Imagine your BEEF was totally traceable by a quick scan of your phone? Imagine your BEEF was way more healthy? Imagine a burger patty with no excipients? Imagine your hard $ going to work feeding farmers with every purchase? Imagine paying for your burger and knowing which farmer specifically (his or her name) will see the hard earned dollars you spent? Imagine being able to call that farmer up and thank them for the great burger experience they helped create for you and your family. Imagine a fully transparent BEEF supply chain system that provides cutting edge process and public health standards? Imagine BEEF that empowers people? IMAGINE NO MORE!!!!! BE EMPOWERED BY OUR BEEF! THINK ABOUT YOUR BEEF? ASK QUESTIONS! SIGNATURE STEER is HERE! A Better.... different BEEF experience awaits! Sincerely Cole Snell and the entire Culinary team at Signature Steer - Dwayne, Stacy, Zak, Amber, Amy, Kylie and Phil are all here to back up this cutting edge and totally necessary approach to BEEF!
Night of Food and Finance: We all have a passionate relationship with food and we all have a passionate relationship with money! Come out tomorrow night to see how the two connect. If you RSVP to attend the World Financial Group open house tomorrow March 6th at 7pm you will receive a gift card for a free burger and fries at Signature Steer Burger!! The location is 37 Cumberland Street South. Maximum 20 people, so reserve your spot now by direct message or calling 344-4030.
There are still a few spaces available for our Educational Event this Wednesday, March 7 at 6:30pm. Call Uptown Cut at 344-4030 to reserve your spot! UPTOWN CUT EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Beef 101 - Wednesday, March 7 at 6:30pm RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Eat and learn about delicious beef all at the same time! Uptown Cut is beginning our educational events series. The first one kicks off on Wednesday March 7. You will enjoy and learn about three cuts of beef and how they pair with wine, beer, and whiskey. Tickets are $50 per person and reservations are required. Call 344-4030 to book your table. Uptown Cut. 252 Algoma St S.
Hello Thunder Bay Beef Lovers! YOU may have just changed the world to be a healthier, wealthier more delicious place! Keep reading because you are all Champions! Cole Snell here. It has been a couple months since I posted something truly thoughtful. With Christmas, opening a new resturant and continuing the innovation at Signature Steer it has left me with little time. These are not excuses as to why my social media presence has dwindled. Young innovators ask me often what one must do to have a successful business. My first answer is always mange your risk, be honest and passionate and mostly have a lock down tight social media game. Now it would appear that I have not been practicing what I preach. Even though my amazing Signature Steer Soldiers (Amy Sellors, Kylie Sanford and Jon Wesselink ) have kept the virtual world of beef viable it has come time to let you all know what I have been up to ! First Signature Steer 🍔 Burger: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Supporting SSB is NOT about buying a burger. It is not about something nutritious or delicious. IT IS about getting to know your farmer! IT IS about SUSTAINABILITY and TRANSPARENCY! The yummy burger is but a by product of something we have been working on for over three years. Yes our BPM line of Farmer Friendly Foods. Many of you have herd our slogan.... “buy a steak, feed your family... buy a BPM ( Butcher Prepared Meal) feed a Farmer. “ There are two CHAMPIONS in the food space . Families and the Farmers. You are the champions! Signature Steer is here so you can connect with other champions. “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” – Carl Jung Signature Steer is transforming beef by creating trasformative transperency between YOU and the folks that farm your food! “IF WE CAN DO IT IN THUNDER BAY WE CAN DO IT ANYWHERE “! Thunder Bay! You have changed the world to be a healthier , wealthier and more delicious place to buy beef! Simply by supporting Uptown Cut, Signature Steer BPM/Steaks programs and Signature Steer Burger . You have afforded us the ability to develop what is widely being considered as one of the biggest break throughs in modern North American food supply chain management. Would you like to know who raised the Steer your steak came from? Would you like to know what breed of Steer and what cut of beef went into the meat pie you are eating? Do you deserve to know the farmer who worked so hard to put a roast on your families dinner table? Would you like to know that if, God forbid, someone got sick from the food they consumed that just with the wave of a smart phone you could trace the problem back to source? I could keep going. You get the idea! We have developed a cutting edged system that allows for all of these experiences and much much more. We call this system of food transparence “FM3”! Read Below Pictographs to better understand! Signature Steer is currently building a Federal Processing Plant in the Greater Toronto Area. Here we will go through the final stages of testing. My long time partner Romeo and I have attracted the best Venture Capitalists and some of the top Tech minds on the continent. Passionate people that believe in connecting the dots toward a more nutritions and delicious future. People who with us are ready to change the way the world eats. No more lies about what we put in our bodies! At the end of the day we will be brining commodity beef prices down and heavily increasing quality. The old methodogy for bringing prices down was to consolidate and create massive processing plants that destroyed not only the farmer but mostly our lives . The food quality was at an all time low to achieve an all time low price. The SS FM3 model allows one to have your cake and eat it too. Affordable and nutritious and mostly transparent. Those that know me know I could keep going on because of my passion for what is right and what should and can be. KNOW THESE TWO THINGS: 1. Every dollar you have spent at Uptown Cut. Every time you tapped a debit card toward one of our Butcher Prepared Meals and every time you flashed your Apple Pay at Signature Steer Burger went toward a new and better understanding of food for millions! 2. Thunder Bay you are all Champions because without you we could not have achieved this! Sincerely, Cole Snell
Thunder Bay, we need your help! Passion and honesty, leadership, teamwork, personal development, and ownership. Signature Steer is a growing company and we are looking for someone to grow with us. Are you, or do you know, the right person for us? Currently we are looking for someone full time to connect with our customers at Signature Steer Burger, manage day to day operations, and ensure that everyone - customers and staff alike - have great experience. We are serious about our beef, and we still like to have fun. If you want to get you foot in the door of a growing business, if you can demonstrate maturity, responsibility, and leadership, and if you are proficient in MS Word and Excel, contact us. Rate of pay will be reflective of your experience and what you bring to the business. We are looking for someone who wants to be here a long time and grow with with us. At Signature Steer, we build relationships. If this sounds like you or someone you know, contact us. SHARE this post with 3 people who you think fit the bill and you can enjoy a Signature Burger on us. To apply, send a resume and a letter of interest to utc.signaturesteer@gmail.com
UPTOWN CUT EDUCATIONAL EVENTS Beef 101 - Wednesday, March 7 at 6:30pm RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Eat and learn about delicious beef all at the same time! Uptown Cut is beginning our educational events series. The first one kicks off on Wednesday March 7. You will enjoy and learn about three cuts of beef and how they pair with wine, beer, and whiskey. Tickets are $50 per person and reservations are required. Call 344-4030 to book your table. Uptown Cut. 252 Algoma St S.
UPTOWN CUT is now open Sundays for dinner!!! Please call ahead to reserve your spot. We still have spaces available for this coming Sunday, February 25th. Serving our delicious Signature Steer steaks and 8 course tasting menu! Call today for more information or to book your reservation 807-344-4030!