A Mentor to Help You Succeed
This page is about helping other marketers in their business and never asking them to join my business. We have 9 free calls weekly that are all interactive. Me and the team I am with have been mentoring and coaching for over 30 years. This page is about giving away the ebook Success In 10 Steps written by Michael Doulhy to help other network marketers become successful and let them know it's not their fault
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facebook.comThis Saturday night and every Saturday night, on our Coach's Corner Mastermind call, the call is for anyone with questions. You do not have to be in Mentoring For Free. Anyone may come. We can help anyone, doing anything. Bring them, speak up and ask. We are about teaching skills, skills, skills. We teach the skills people need to be successful. All FREE, FOREVER. We don't write lessons. We share whatever we want to talk about and allow the discussion to go where it may. This is like a fireside chat with Your mentors. There is no set time limit. 1-712-432-5225 access code 300 300 #. Join us and see how leaders become leaders. 10PM AT 9PM ET 8PM CT 7PM MT 6PM PT 3PM HT This is going to be packed out call! This information is critical to your financial future. We believe in You, Marcel and Marina Schmidt 807-624-6160 Cell Anytime Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart Marcel's ebook Download: www.marcelsebook.com Think and Grow Rich Lessons: https://www.thinkandgrowrichlessons.com/mschmidt
My Mission My passion for the last 32 years has been to help as many people as possible do whatever it is they would like to do and become successful. The reason I try to do this is because I was given a second chance at life and I truly believe that the reason for this was to do as much as possible to help my fellow man or woman get the things they need and want. I have always been paid back ten-fold when I did this, expecting nothing in return I have been marketing on line and off line for about ten years now and have FINALLY got to the point in our marketing career where I am making MONEY. Let us tell you as a result I have learned the hard way what NOT to do and I think I know by now who to trust what to do in network marketing. I encourage you as your reading my bio that you feel network marketing is not for you think again, it’s not your fault. It’s just that no one has ever shown you what to do in this industry. Keep on striving and you will become successful. How do I get started? Read: Success In 10 Steps by Michael Dlouhy Success in 10 Steps, Download & Read Download, and read Success in 10 Steps. You may also purchase the book for reading on the go. Audio versions are also availble when you get to the download page. The Download is absolutly FREE! 3 Session Audio Training Listen to 3 session audio training by Michael Dlouhy and his team, absolutely FREE! There are also transcripts of the audio available in PDF if you prefer to read the training. These sessions include “Business Models Drive the Behavior”, “Five Pillars for Your Success”, and “Being All In”. Listen: To 3 training audios 1-on-1 Coaching Call with Michael Dlouhy 1-on-1 Coaching Call With Marcel Schmidt Setup a 1-on-1 coaching call with Marcel Schmidt, where you will be given a 5 point blueprint for success in Multi-Level Network Marketing. You will also be able to get your questions answered as well. MFF Boot Camp & The Mentoring App Where Network Marketing begins! Complete lessons specifically designed to help those in Multi-Level Network Marketing OWN THEIR LIFE. The Mentoring for Free Boot Camp allows you to connect with your mentor on a whole new level, and graduating the Boot Camp gives you a whole new perspective to Network Marketing. Joining Mentoring For Free Boot Camp also offers access to The Mentoring App, allowing you to Mentor to others, get a personal site, and help others OWN their life! https://www.mymentoringsite.com/mschmidt
My Mentors why Michael and His Why: 10 people to surpass him and Linda 1. 90% of the time focusing on Why. 2. Why brings me my goals. 3. Only write down long term goals. 4. Never think of pin level goals. 5. Always think of the people we can help. 6. Michael has done this from the start. 7. Focus on other people's pin level will get you your pin level. 8. Don't focus on pin level so we don't short circuit something that is supposed to happen. 9. Focus on ebook downloads to find the next leader. 10. Looking for a leader to put under somebody to help them.
Tim Story: Here is a tip I have found to be tremendously helpful: Here is something to think about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEKQgLHDPEU Tim Storey’s story At the day of Your passing, if all information, in the world, was erased, and You were to give 3 things You would like people to remember about You, what would You say? Tim’s are at the end of the video. Best answers one can give. Here is what Tim Story said in an interview with Lewis Howes: 1. God has a plan for our lives. Trust in that plan. 2. God is okay with You. God doesn’t treat us as our sins deserve. So great is His love for those who honor him. 3. You may not be what You want to be, but thank God You are not what You use to be. Give Yourself some credit for Your growth.
Is Mentoring For Free really free? Not really. There is a catch! With Mentoring For Free, you can get great training and coaching at no cost. That part is true and it is available to anyone: the phone calls, the lead calls, the training calls. All are available to any person in any NWM company at any time for free. So yes, you can learn for free. We encourage that. So what is the catch? Every person who benefits from Mentoring For Free is asked to pay it forward. And use their new knowledge to help their team and others. We all volunteer our time to make a difference. If you don't understand why we should all volunteer our time, please refer to the book, "The Influencer: The Power To Change Anything". When you read the methods of "The Influencer", you today, by changing the world, you'll be inspired also. Make sure to read how the Delancey Street Foundation influenced the behavior by insisting every resident mentor the newest resident, even if they personally have only one more day experience. So that's the catch! Mentoring For Free isn't free! It's free to learn, but we ask you to pass it on.
The Truth Is In Your Hands Please Join Us! If You had access “TODAY” to the “ONE” thing that ALL 500 of the richest people in the world have in common and it was available TODAY at NO cost to You, would You want access to it ? When writing Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill interviewed 500 of the richest people of their day and “ALL 500” had “ONE THING” in common, they All had access to a Master Mind Team. Michael and Linda Dlouhy created a Master Mind Team that has been meeting twice a week for over 15 years, Your only cost is Your “TIME” being on the call. When You Participate on the calls, You will get all Your questions answered in this amazing Master Mind setting. The personal growth that can come out of this training can be life changing, if you are COACHABLE. Being COACHABLE will give You a deeper realization of the steps required for success. As Michael says, "To make more, we must become more." This is an open forum where you will learn from the powerful masterminds that discusses ideas and lessons chapter by chapter. You'll want to be on this call! The live call is live every Wednesday for about an hour. The phone # is: (712) 432-5225 access code 300300# After the recording begins, *1 unmutes & *1 mutes. 4pm & 9 pm AT 3pm & 8pm ET 2pm & 7pm CT 1pm & 6pm MT 12pm & 5pm PT 9am & 2pm HT You may create an account or login for the Think and Grow Rich Lessons at http://thinkandgrowrichlessons.com/mschmidt Michael’s opt-in site to receive emails regarding our Think and Grow Rich Lessons http://30DayCleanse.com This is going to be a packed out call! We Believe In You, Marcel and Marina Schmidt Be A Mentor with a Servant’s Heart Thunderbay, Ontario, Canada 1-870-275-4322 (USA) (Anytime) 1-807-624-6160 (Cell) (Canada) (Anytime) Skype: mineyourhealth
Start A Business With No Money Jim Rohn Technique You can either buy and sell or, if you are in certain circumstances, you can sell and buy. That is, if you've got ambition. Now, if you haven't got ambition I can't cure that, and money can't cure lack of ambition, either. Even if you don't have a dollar, I can show you how to buy and sell to get rich. After doing this a few times then you can buy and sell, but never let money keep you from an opportunity when you have in its place true ambition, faith and courage. Want more info Call or Text Marcel 807-624-6160