Afloat Floatation Therapy Centre
We are excited to bring floatation therapy to Thunder Bay. Afloat offers cognitive and physical benefits that you will want to experience yourself.
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facebook.comFLOAT AVAILABILITY THIS WEEKEND There are 2 floats still available on Saturday, 3 on Sunday and 6 left for Monday. If you were hoping to float this weekend head online to book.
***WINNER OF AFLOAT TRIVIA*** Q2 Maria Lynn with her answer: Significant reductions were observed in state anxiety, stress, muscle tension, pain, depression, and negative affect. Out of 9 great answers we drew Maria's name this morning. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the next question to be posted on April 4.Its that easy, see the question answer it and your entered into the free float draw.
Afloat Holiday Hours. We will be closed Friday but open for regular hours the rest of the weekend. Come in for a float or to grab a Himalayan salt lamp. 😀😀🥚 via
...By eggs we mean, himalayan salt lamps. 😂😂 It is the perfect light for the bedroom room. It acts as a natural air purifier and a soothing soft glow that won't keep you up. We have all sizes and shapes which can make the perfect gift for...anyone. #himalayansaltlamp #easter #betterthancandy
💥💥💥AFLOAT TRIVIA💥💥💥 QUESTION #2 Dr. Justin Feinstein, from the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) recently published a clinical study of the short term effects of floatation therapy on 50 people with anxiety disorders. What did the study show? (A bullet point or two is good 😀 LOL it’s a really long study). To enter, answer in the comment section below. Draw date will be Thursday March 29.
HAHAHA!! Well, unless you get salt in your eyes, or start snoring and wake because it sounds like a bear is in the pod with you, or just waxed your (fill in the blank). Other than that it is pretty darn awesome. To have the most amazing float check out our website and visit the first float tab. We have a good video to walk you through everything and some tips to prep for the best float possible. #floattherapy #floatprep #reboot
A huge advocate of float tanks and the man responsible for spearheading the float movement, Joe Rogan. Many float centres across the world were inspired from the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. Here is a clip with him and Justin Wren #fightfortheforgotten discussing some benefits.
Rebecca came for her first float and captured the experience in her newest blog post. Not your basic Becky is the name of her blog covering fashion, beauty, DIY and self care. Here is the link to her updated post titled: Self-Care- Keep Calm & Float On- Sensory Deprivation.
"I have a very clear head when it's done, and it shows in the days after floating. It gives me a nice boost of focus and perspective. The more I do it, the more I get from it." - Steph Curry
***WINNER OF AFLOAT TRIVIA*** Q1 Kayla Sue Marie with her answer of Brent Fikowski (Crossfit athlete). He is an advocate for float therapy with the benefits of physical recovery and visualization. Out of 24 great answers we drew Kayla's name this morning. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the next question to be posted on March 28.
***A FLOAT GIVEAWAY*** QUESTION #1: Name an athlete or sports team that uses float therapy and how it helps them. Answer the question in the comment section. If correct you will be entered into the float giveaway. Draw date will be Thursday March 22. Keep an eye on our Facebook page...we will be adding more questions during the next few weeks. 😀😀
Looking to experience your first float? Your first visit with us is only $39+tax. That is a small investment of time and money for a lasting feeling of awesomeness. 807-767-3529.