Carman's Diner
An authentic 50s diner that is family owned and operated. We strive to serve our customers home cooked, tasty meals in a friendly atmosphere.
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💛 We look forward to this May 20 visit each year 💛
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To show respect and to say farewell, we will close at this time. #teamkelly
We have been dreading the day that this would come. Now we must find the appropriate words to discuss our love and appreciation for Kelly. To talk about Kelly as a hard and reliable worker somehow does not seem to do her justice. OH YES… she certainly was these things!!! These are noble qualities that stand out when we think of her and we are grateful for the years of employment that she devoted to us. Each and every person that worked with her would vouch for this and reminisce about times that Kelly went out of her way to help them out. It was in her very nature to nurture. She came by it so honestly that she may not have even known it was one of her finest attributes. However, Kelly was so much more than this! First and foremost, Kelly was a woman who loved her family fiercely. We witnessed her as she married Les, the lucky man who won her heart and also, as she reared her beloved children, Jade and Cameron. At Carman’s, she worked along side her cherished siblings, Linda and Crystal. Kelly was known to request shifts with her sisters so that she could spend some extra time with them. They would have fun working together, being silly and joking but at the same time getting their jobs done to the utmost. Family unity was something that Kelly yearned for and she never missed one of the many birthday gatherings that have taken place in our backroom. STRENGTH is another characteristic of dear Kelly that begs to be mentioned. Flashback to last year when she received her terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis. This AMAZING woman kept right on working her scheduled shifts until her health began to decline and work was really no longer an option. We looked on at her in awe as she made every effort to retain normalcy. We take a sense of pride and a debt of gratitude in knowing that Kelly chose to spend this difficult time with us at the Diner. Our Carman’s- family rallied around her and tried to shower her with love and support all the while performing the daily tasks of running a restaurant. Finally, we must express our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Kelly’s family. She was lucky to have you all! Not everyone gets a support system so huge and loving and you can take comfort in knowing that she felt this love immensely in her final days. Rest peacefully now, sweet Kelly. You will be missed far, wide and always.
Photos from Carman's Diner's post
Mother's day was an incredibly busy day here at Carman's Diner but we tried to gather some photographic memories when we could. Here are just a few of the moms who were treated to a meal by their 'kids'. We hope that all moms got shown some extra lovin yesterday.
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What a perfect way to start Mother's Day at Carman's 💜💛
When the going gets rough, our staff really sticks together. Thanks guys, you are the best of the best! 💙💚💛💜
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Fifty again!
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5 De Mayo Feliz! 🌶 Here's our very first attempt at Pork Tacos which we have priced right 1 Pork Taco with Tex-Mex Rice- $6 2 Pork Tacos with Tex-Mex Rice $8 Our taste testers have happy-belly and dancing taste buds
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Since tomorrow is Cinco De Mayo, a day to celebrate Mexican foods and traditions, we have decided to tip our hats to Mexico by serving up a small sampling of their tasty cuisine. It's our 1st time experimenting with Mexican inspired food and if it goes over well, perhaps it won't be our last. If you're in the neighborhood, stop on by for a taco and let us know how you like it! Don't worry Fish Chowder lovers... we will still have a pot ready for you.
Carman's Diner
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Homemade Beef Barley soup
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Look at that smile even though she's working on her birthday :) Just one of the many reasons we love her so 💜 Happy happy happy birthday Kathie Richards xoxo