The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women assists women accessing emergency hostel services. We help women end the cycle of homelessness, poverty and violence in their lives. The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women is a program of services to women experiencing homelessness who are 18 years of age and over. Embracing a 'housing first' strategy, the primary service offered is a place to live versus a place to receive treatment.
The shelter is committed to providing a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for up to 12 women. An integrated, anti-racist, anti-oppressive feminist service delivery system is utilized to promote empowerment, dignity, privacy, respect and independence for all residents. The Welcome Centre Shelter for Women is Windsor's only emergency shelter facility for women.
The shelter considers women's poverty and homelessness to be a political phenomenon and a problem of our society rather than an individual problem that pathologizes women. As such, the shelter offers opportunities for individual development, politicization, and feminist empowerment with an emphasis on self-help and self-reliance.
Group and individual discussions between staff, residents and volunteers provide women with an opportunity to develop a deeper political analysis of women's issues. Consciousness-raising of this sort is done in an effort to diminish isolation, shame, and self-blame and to promote social support, re¬education, empowerment, politicization and community intervention.
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