Yuk Yuk's Saint John
Join Yuk Yuk's Saint John to see Canada's BEST stand-up comedians every Thurs, Fri & Sat for a 90 min. uncensored comedy performance in Uptown Saint John! Join Yuk Yuk's Saint John to see Canada's BEST stand-up comedians each week. Every Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Saint John will be entertained with live, uncensored, 90 minute comedy shows on the same nationally recognized stage that Jim Carey, Russell Peters, Howie Mandel, Jeremy Hotz and Jerry Seinfeld started their stand-up career on.
Yuk Yuk's Saint John will feature Canada's top performing stand-up comedians and an amazing line-up of local talent. Our fully licensed venue will also have a catered "pub style" menu, and laughs are guaranteed!
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facebook.comIt's FRIDAY!! Grab your friend and start your weekend off with the best entertainment in Saint John! International Superstar headlining comedian, Garrett Clark, who recorded his live album, Night Danger, right here at Yuk Yuk's Saint John, takes the stage tonight along side Ian Black and the very lovely and hilarious, Catherine Robertson! www.yukyuks.com
Our Weekend starts tonight at Yuk Yuk's with Canada's BEST in Stand-Up Comedy! This weekend, we welcome back, International Superstar headlining comedian, All the way from Australia, Garrett Clark! After recording his live comedy album at Yuk Yuk's Saint John last year, which was heard and sold WORLD WIDE Garrett joins us for 1 Weekend only, right here in Uptown Saint John. Pick up your tickets now online at: www.yukyuks.com or call 214-9114
~ Like & Share Contest! ~ **SNOW DAY FLASH SALE!!** Today only from 12noon - 7pm. Purchase your THURSDAY, March 15 ticket online at: www.yukyuks.com and you'll receive your ticket for only $5+HST when entering Promo Code: snowday "Like" & Share this post and you'll be entered to WIN 2 tickets to our Friday show!!!
Check out this clip of "Night Danger" recorded live at Yuk Yuk's Saint John last year. This is one show that's not to be missed. Catch Garrett Clark at Yuk Yuk's Saint John this weekend! www.yukyuks.com
After recording his live comedy album right here at Yuk Yuk's Saint John, which is being heard and sold world-wide, Garrett Clark returns to Saint John. Garrett is an International headlining comedian and is certainly 1 performance that is not to be missed. Book your tickets NOW! (Saturday - 70% SOLD OUT!) Thursday - 7:30pm; Fri & Sat 8pm www.yukyuks.com 214-9114
It's Spring cleaning day at Yuk Yuk's, as we prepare for a busy Spring/ Summer season. Though our comedy might be filthy at times, we always take pride in the cleanliness of our comedy club. See you this weekend, Saint John!
Happy 40th Birthday to our biggest support at Yuk Yuk's Saint John, our very good friend, James Mullinger. Cheers to you James, we can't wait to celebrate with you at Harbour Station, April 28!
Join us tonight, at Yuk Yuk's Saint John for our last show this weekend and a guaranteed hilarious way to start off your Saturday entertainment. Showtime: 8pm (Doors @ 7pm) Tickets: $20 tx lncl. www.yukyuks.com 214-9114
Wow, Saint John, 5000 Likes!!! This truly does mean the world to us at Yuk Yuk's Saint John. Having all of your continued support means we will be bringing Canada's BEST in Stand-Up Comedy for years to come! And That's worth celebrating! Our "Like & Share" Contest WINNER is: Chelsea Smith And Our 5,000th "Like" is: Jefferson Roscoe Thank you all, and here's to the next 5,000!!!