This is now the Official Regina Heritage United Church Page! Currently administered by volunteers! Share and stay in touch!
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facebook.comHave you noticed you don't see much of HUC online anymore? Have you suddenly stopped seeing most of our posts, you're not alone. Recent changes to what is shown on your wall were implemented, and it's out of our control. To help with this: go to the page and do two things. First, enable "show first," and then make sure you have it set to receive notifications for new posts. Hope this helps! Also this goes for all pages that are not paying for advertising-all of your friends' home businesses, charities and not for profit pages like this-so go to your favourites and update them too!
Looking for Crafters and Vendors for our 2018 Fall Craft Sale. Join the group and download the registration form.
Important changes are coming to the governance of the United church of Canada. Check out more here!
Get your Bulbs and Seeds for Spring planting from Heritage United Church
Heritage United Church presents a Hypno Fun-d-raiser with Joyce Warren. An interactive family appropriate show filled with fun and energy. This show allows you to explore the magic of your mind resulting in laughter and amazement. Fri., March 23 starting at 7:30pm. Tickets are $15. Children 10 and under are free. Tickets are available at the church office Monday to Friday 2:30pm to 5:30pm Or call Marilyn @ 306.543.9816
Our Mardi Gras Messy Church is scheduled for this coming Sat from 4 to 6. Come and enjoy community and make yourself an awesome Mardi Gras mask!! Please let us know if you plan on coming by Wednesday. Feb 7 - You can email me at or click 'going' in the event. Thanks!
Good advice - everyone's inner critic is beginning a new year!
Event is cancelled.