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Gateway Christian School

4210 59 st, Red Deer, Canada



Gateway Christian School is an alternative program within Red Deer Public School District.  Our deepest hope is to be: Flourishing learners, Desiring God, Responding with love. Gateway Christian School is an alternative program within RDPSD.  Our deepest hope is to be: flourishing learners, desiring God, responding with love.


Mr. Pawlak was in today, busy signing 113 copies of his book, "Space Cadets", to fulfill the orders we accepted at the school office!! If you ordered a book, it'll be coming to your student soon! 🎉 If you didn't order a book, there will be a limited number available to purchase tomorrow, February 28. Robin will be in to sell & sign these books to our students 10:20-10:40 & 11:50-12:20pm. 📝

There will not be public worship tomorrow, Feb 28. Instead, we will be having Buddy Worship time for our K-12 students. Together, the buddies will be participating in an activity surrounding Pink Shirt Day & our Image-Reflecting theme.

Wednesday, Feb 28 is PINK SHIRT DAY!! 💕 Let’s make a stand against bullying. 💞 Suit up, Gateway! 💗

We’ve missed you but, good news!! Monday morning we will be ready to welcome you back!! 🍎

On Thursday, our EAs and librarian at St Joseph’s High School; and on Thursday and Friday, our teachers and admin staff at RDC; will be taking their turn as the students eager to learn!!! 📝👩🏼‍💻👨🏽‍💻 While the students are hopefully finding some fun, playing outdoors, and reading some interesting books, Gateway’s educators will be developing their skills, learning new materials and perspectives and refreshing their joy for their jobs. 😊 Please pray for educational staff of all of RDPSD who will be in attendance at both conferences that they will leave with their own personal & professional growth in an area they may need or at least have wanted! ❤️ We can’t wait to see you Monday when we are all refreshed for the remaining 4 months of our school year!! 🌟

Welcome to Winter Break!!! ⛄️ We would like to remind you that there is NO SCHOOL this week at Gateway Christian School (and for all of RDPSD). 🚫 Please enjoy your Family Day on Monday the 19th and the rest of the week away. 👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👧‍👦 Thursday and Friday; the 22nd & 23rd; our teachers, admin, and EAs will be attending their respective Teachers & Educational Assistant Conferences here in Red Deer. 📚

🎉 The Fidgets are coming to Gateway! 🎉 This funny, family friendly improv group will be performing at our school on March 16th at 7:30. Get your tickets at the school office. Adults:$20 Youth:$15 Or hurry to grab a VIP table for up to 5 people for $200(comes fully stocked!). There will also be tickets to buy a mousetrap for the final scene- Wanna see grown men walk across a sea of traps??!!🐭😣 Babysitting for those 5 and under will be available for a fee. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE UPCOMING PLAYGROUND!!🌟 Check out the SHOUT OUT we got from The Fidgets!! (Maybe you'll recognize the names of some of their "friends"... AHEM, Mr Mueller, Miss Kriel, Mr McCorquindale, and Ms Poettcker...)😜

‼️IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The land to the West of the school property originally owned by Chinook's Edge School District has been sold. This affects us at Gateway Christian School because the existing playground, field, and hill will no longer be available to our students as early as May 2018. We are in the preliminary stages of making plans to replace the West playground (which would be a second playground project for our school). 🤔 To learn more, please plan to attend the next school council meeting on February 27, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. There will be free babysitting provided. 👶🏽👧🏻👦🏼 We are excited to tell you about the plans moving forward to both new structures and the ideas already pouring in to provide play for your children during the transition. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to our School Council Chairperson: Kimberly White. You can contact her at 403-348-3221 or email her at

Another unplanned fire alarm went off just at the very start of school today. 🚒 Emergency services came again to inspect and are saying it is a possible issue wth a sensor malfunctioning. Multiple services and RDP Maintenance are checking into the problem to find a fix. Bright side: As it was just as the 8:27am bell was ringing, this meant the students had on their warm coats and outdoor gear! We also got to personally witness the beautiful sunrise! Also to note, a wonderful side to having a K-gr12 school, our older students were so attentive to the younger ones in the den and outdoors to be sure they made there way to the gathering area & their teachers/classes, before joining their own. So many of our older students took their cues from staff and were very calm & reassuring with the younger children as they helped them to East Field. 👩‍👧‍👦❤️ Once we returned to the building, Mr Kooman went to each class individually to talk to the classes again to reassure them of their safety and that the great men and women of the Fire Department have made sure our school was once again safe. Please know, for the next couple days, we are asking the children to keep their outdoor jackets at their desks with them, in the event the alarm does unexpectedly go off again. We want our students prepared to be as warm as possible if it occurs. 🧤🧣

Wednesday, February 14, during worship time we will celebrate our Christian Character Award recipients and those in middle school who have made honor roll (at 9:45am). 🌟 Please join us in the gym!! 😊 (You should have been notified by your homeroom teacher if your student is receiving a reward) Our awards are in the following categories: Timothy/Tabitha – recognizes students who display Christian character. Jonathan/Ruth – recognizes students who display Christian qualities of friendship. David/Esther – recognizes students who consistently strive to put forth their best effort.

Today was the Red Deer Public Schools Ski Loppet at Riverbend. Our Gateway students made us proud! 😊 The students representing our school had a great time and their attitudes showed it! 👌🏼 Well done to all our skiers!! Congratulations to Koen for receiving gold for his grade group and to Camryn for receiving bronze in hers!! 🌟 Congratulations also to McKinley and Rayne for placing 4th in their respective grade categories! Thank you to Tim Schultz and Cassie Marquart; our parent volunteers; for helping with the afternoon. It was wonderful to have you there with our students! ❤️ A grand thank you to Mrs Ger Klootwyk for leading this skilled group of skiers, as well as leading the others who attended the after school “Cross Country Ski Group” during this cold season!!! You have blessed our students with your extra time. ❤️

We certainly hope you didn't forget about ordering "Space Cadets"!!


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