Billy Barker Days, B.C.'s Largest FREE FAMILY Festival! Billy Barker Days, B.C.'s Largest FREE FAMILY Festival!
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facebook.comCome see Billy at the Winter Carnival, on February 3rd between 12:30 and 2 at LeBourdais Park. He is very excited to see all his friends. Be sure to bring your camera and get a picture of Billy.
Come out to see the fireworks tonight. The best viewing area is along the river close to the RV water & sani-dump loop. Please remember that that because of safety and legal restrictions, the public is not allowed within the restricted launch site.
Are you all set for the Fireworks Saturday Dec 2? Come out along the Fraser River on the East side near the bridge. Show starts at 6:00pm
Come and join us for the 2017 Festival AGM.
Remember to mark your calendar for December 2 at 6pm! The Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society proudly presents Fireworks to celebrate the upcoming season. The best place to view is along the river on the east side near the RV water/sani-dump area. Bring some hot chocolate and warm mittens. You don't even have to stay up late for this one 😃
This will be well worth the wait!! The Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society is very happy to announce that we will be presenting the 2017 Annual Fireworks Spectacular on December 2nd at 6pm. Come out and enjoy the show! The launch site is the same as last year - on the West side a little downstream of the bridge. Please remember that there will be no access to the actual launch site for safety reasons.
Thank you to the group of hard working Society members for sprucing up Festival Office!! Great work!
We at the Billy Barker Days Society are writing to provide some information and answer some questions from our valued sponsors and festival attendees. After the unfortunate events the week prior to the event, we agreed, after meeting with various events coordinators and City representatives, that an event of this size would overtax our already burdened infrastructure (fire, police, hospital and ambulance) which led to the decision to cancel this year’s festival. In the wake of that decision some questions were raised about the finances, and the overall status of the festival. We are a not-for-profit organization which attempts to run a zero balance account at the end of each year. If there is a balance we will apply it to the next year’s festival – hire bigger name talents or grander fireworks display. A significant portion of our income that is not provided by sponsors comes from the events themselves, including a portion of concession and midway proceeds as well as tent rentals, souvenir, program, and Billy Button sales. Due to the fact that we did not complete most of these events, our usual revenue streams have severely diminished. We held the Billy Button raffle draw and awarded the three prizes to fulfill a contract with the Gaming Commission even though there was a reduction in button sales, and also awarded our program draw prizes. The monies donated by our sponsors, whether they be in cash, coupons or merchandise, were used to pay general and pre-festival organizational expenses or to honor contracts with various out-of-town entertainment providers, which due to the fact that the cancellation was on our end makes us liable for the contract. While the City provides us with a venue to hold the festival, as well as power and water for some of the events, they are not a financial contributor nor do they plan nor organize the event. It is our intention to continue with the Festival next year with continued help and support of the many sponsors and the community. The fireworks display scheduled for this Festival, being a 2017 contractual obligation, will be held in December (date to be determined) to let the community know that we are still here and look forward to putting on a spectacular festival in 2018. If any of you have further questions or want to help out or become a member please feel to attend our next regular meeting held at 5:30 pm in the CNC on September 21 or our annual meeting in October. You can also leave a message on our closed office phone of 250-992-1234. Executive of Quesnel Billy Barker Days Society
Program draw winners: Big Canyon Rafting Fritz Wyssen Quesnel & District Arts & Recreation Centre 3 month adult pass John Sheppe Barkerville 2 Day Family Pass Jessica Sheppe, Marcy McKay & Brian Jarvis Congratulations!
And the winners of the Billy Button draw are: $1,000 gold Nugget Ted Martindale $500 gold Nugget Aleta Peever $300 gold Nugget Doug Schweyer Congratulations! Thank you for your support!
Hi Everyone! The Billy Barker Days Office is open until 5pm today and again tomorrow from 10 until the draws on stage at 5:45. Stop by and get your Billy Button (for the Gold nugget draw), available until draw time. Also, remember, if you have a program, to drop off the entry at the office before 5:45pm this Sunday July 16th.