CrossFit PTBO
CrossFit PTBO is a community dedicated to promoting and engaging in high intense functional movements leading to a healthier lifestyle. CrossFit and CrossFit PTBO Weightlifting Club. CrossFit gym in Peterborough, ON.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS . Name: Farren . Age: 21 . Profession: Drowning student . Has been CrossFitting since: September 2017 . Has been doing the Open since: Never done it before! . Why you are participating in the Open: Participating because I want to try something new, push myself to new limits, (and because everyone persuaded me) . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: CrossFit PTBO is amazing I love starting and/or finishing my day working out with everyone here. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #crossfitopen #intheopen #mywhy #intramuralopen
The air squat. . The air squat is the cornerstone of CrossFit and is foundational to many movements such as front squat, overhead squat, snatch, wall balls, and more. . The air squat raises one’s center of mass from a seated to standing position. . Stance: shoulder-width stance . Execution: hips descend back and down, lumbar curve maintained, knees in line with toes, hips descend lower than knees, and heels down. . Finish: complete at full hip and knee extension. . The most common faults we see with the air squat are the loss of a neutral position due to flexion in lumbar spine, weight in toes, or knees not tracking in line with the toes. . How do you correct these faults? Think: Lift with your chest, push the hips back and down, or push your knees out. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #airsquat #squat #movement #basics #foundations
#crossfitptboopen . Name: Jocelyn Blazey . Age: 26 . Profession: Homelessness System Resource Coordinator . Has been Crossfitting Since: Jan 2017 . Has been doing the Open since: 2017 . Why are you participating in the Open: The Open experience at Crossfit PTBO is a great chance to cheer on fellow athletes, push yourself and others and tons of fun! . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: It's a place where I can go and know I will be encouraged, pushed to be better, cheered on by other members, see people doing incredible things and coached by talented coaches. It's a great gym with an amazing community of people. . . . Name: Kerri Kightley . Age: 42 . Profession: Community Developer . Has been CrossFitting since: 2015 . Has been doing the Open since: 2017 . Why you are participating in the Open: The Open is such an amazing physical and social experience. I can measure myself against other athletes results, see my own progress year over year - BUT also can complete workouts alongside some of the most amazing and determined people in Peterborough. The environment at CrossFit PTBO on Friday nights is pretty magical, the people are incredibly supportive and the experience is hard to match. . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: CrossFit PTBO is like therapy. An incredibly supportive place where athletes and coaches alike are working towards a better version of themselves. It’s pretty special. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #intheopen #crossfitopen #mywhy #teamcaptains #instramuralopen @jocelynblazey @kakightley
Good things come in twos! . Fitness is much more fun when you do it with friends and like-minded people. . Book a free consultation by emailing to see if we are the right fit for you! . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates
#crossfitptboopen . Name: Jeff . Age: 31 . Profession: Plumber/pipefitter . Has been CrossFitting since: July 2017 . Has been doing the Open since: First time! Why you are participating in the Open: Talked into it by others and I want to challenge myself. . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: My experience at CrossFit Ptbo has been great - it has pushed me out of my comfort zone for fitness and it has a very welcoming community atmosphere. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #intheopen #crossfitopen #mywhy #ptbocommunity
Bright Spots Friday! . Why do we celebrate on Fridays? It’s the end of the week and we want to celebrate all of the accomplishments of our athletes! Our members share it in our members-only community page and it is an opportunity to brag about what we have achieved! . This moment is captured to show how we support our athletes. Everyone supports and cheers the last person wodding - no one is left behind! . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #twobrainbusiness #brightspotfridays #celebrate #ptbocommunity
Leah Hoskin, Registered Massage Therapist, from @thrivehealthptbo, will be treating our athletes on Fridays, February 23 and March 3! She will be available to help you reduce muscle tension, improve function, and allow your the body to move as it is supposed to. . Bring your family and friends to cheer on our CrossFit PTBO Open athletes and get treated by the team of Thrive Health PTBO! . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #thrivehealthptbo #chiropractor #rmt #massagetherapy #crossfitopen #crossfitptboopen #intheopen
#crossfitptboopen . Name: John . Age: 63 . Profession: Management Accountant . Has been CrossFitting since: Nov 2016 . Has been doing the Open since: 2017 . Why you are participating in the Open: Really enjoyed the Open last year and would like to achieve improvement in my scores this year. (I think I also have a death wish! Dying on the gym floor would be so much better than dying at my desk at work.) 😂🤣😂 . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: Awesome! This has been nothing but a great experience with excellent coaching in both CrossFit and the Weightlifting Club. An absolute great community of people. Having seen other CrossFit boxes makes me really appreciate how clean and well maintained this gym is. #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #crossfitopen #mywhy #mastersathlete #intheopen
2018 Pistol Challenge with @alexkazam_gymnastics, @jansfit, and @micahinmotion. . Squat rotations. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #pistolchallenge #gymnastics #pistols
Our next Fitness for Moms that starts on March 14 is already maxed out with a wait list! . It is led by Dr. Sarah Wild (@thrivehealthptbo) who is a Family Chiropractor and Pre/Post-Natal Fitness Specialist! . She will help new moms rehab their body safely back to exercise. No need to rush as your body has been through a lot! . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #fitnessformoms #pregnancy #fitmoms #rehab #backtoexercise #mommyandme #babyfit
#crossfitptboopen . Name: Holly (@holly_j_stillman) . Age: 26 . Profession: Fire Ranger . Has been CrossFitting since: November 2017 . Has been doing the Open since: First time . Why you are participating in the Open: I'm doing the Open to challenge myself both physically and mentally. . Describe your experience at CrossFit PTBO: My experience at CrossFit PTBO has been great. I love the atmosphere and how supportive and encouraging everyone is. The workouts are always fun/challenging and I've really enjoyed learning more about myself throughout each workout. . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #crossfitopen #intheopen #mywhy #ptbocommunity
All of our coaches train alongside our members. They also all happen to be CrossFit Certified Level 1 Trainers! . You never know who you inspire and in this case, Coach Codi (@acromdyi) is someone Ashton looks up to. . Our members and staff inspire us daily! . #crossfitptbo #crossfit #rx #scaled #crossfitter #crossfitaffiliate #PTBO #peterborough #crossfitcommunity #community #ptbocanada #weightlifting #crossfitptboweightliftingclub #supportyourlocalbox #ptbolove @crossfit @crossfitaffiliates #inspiration #rolemodel #inspiring @krispy_crunch