CCTC is a cadet training facility 30 minutes from Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Le CECC est un centre de formation d'été des cad The ranges at Connaught have been in operation since the 1920's serving the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Cadet Movement. In 1989 Connaught Cadet Training Centre (CCTC) was established under the name Army Cadet Concentration (Ottawa) to allow all marksmanship courses across Canada to amalgamated at Connaught Ranges and Primary Training Centre (CRPTC) and become standardize. Prior to that time, cadets had been attending several cadet camps throughout taking part in marksmanship courses hoping to get the top prize of ticket to Bisley. When Connaught first opened its doors it had only four platoons (three Basic Marksman equivalent platoons and a Fullbore Phase II equivalent platoon) and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets National Rifle Team. Throughout the 1990's and early 2000's Connaught was home to all stages of the summer marksmanship courses, the Physical Education & Recreational Training course, the Basic Parachutists, and all of the Army Cadet Exchanges (ACE).
Today, the focal point of Connaught CTC is its marksmanship training. The first stage of the marksmanship program is the three-week Basic Marksman (BM) course where the cadets learn and perfect basic shooting skills using the Daisy 853C Air Rifle. The second stage is the six-week Fullbore Marksman Phase I (FBM I) course, which consists of 100 candidates from across Canada. They are instructed on the 5.56 mm, C11 Target Rifle along with an emphasis on leadership training. If they place in the top thirty-six of the course, cadets receive an invitation to the third phase, the Fullbore Marksman Phase II (FBM II) course. The FBM II course uses the 7.62 mm, C12 Target Rifle and candidates receive extensive competition exposure. They participate in various shooting competitions including the Ontario Rifle Association (ORA) matches at Canadian Armed Forces Base (CFB) Borden, the National Cadet Full-bore Competition (NCFC) and the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association (DCRA) annual prize meet at Connaught Ranges.
Those cadets finishing in the top eighteen of the FBM II course form the National Rifle Team (NRT) for the fourth stage. The NRT practices at Connaught Ranges, travels to the United Kingdom (UK) to compete in Cadet Matches and the National Rifle Association matches at Bisley. Upon returning to Canada, they compete in the NCFC and DCRA matches and assist in coaching the FBM I course. In addition to these activities, Connaught also hosts fourteen members of the UK Army Cadets Force and eighteen members of The British Cadet Rifle Team (Athelings).
Connaught CTC also has the six-week Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor (ARMI) Course. This course is given to cadets of the three elements (Sea, Army and Air). The ARMI course consists to develop the cadets' individual air rifle marksmanship and summer biathlon specialty skills while reinforcing and further developing their leadership and instructional techniques skills preparing them to support these two specialty activities at the corps/squadron, CTC or during regionally and/or nationally directed activities.
Connaught CTC is also the home of the exchange program that includes the Maple Leaf Exchange (England), Outward Bound Scotland and Outward Bound Wales these cadets train with the cadets from the United Kingdom. Additionally, Connaught CTC provides logistical support to International Sea and Air Cadet Exchanges.
Les champs de tir de Connaught sont en opération depuis 1920 au service des Forces armées canadiennes et du Mouvement des cadets du Canada. En 1989, le Centre d’entraînement des cadets Connaught (CECC) a été créé sous le nom de Concentration des cadets de l'Armée (Ottawa) pour permettre à tous les cours de tir de précision à travers le Canada de fusionner au Polygone de Connaught et centre d’entrainement élémentaire et de devenir standard. Avant cette date, les cadets avaient participé dans plusieurs camps de cadets partout au Canada, dans les cours de tir, en espérant gagner le grand prix, un billet pour Bisley. Quand Connaught a ouvert ses portes, il y avait seulement quatre pelotons (trois pelotons équivalents le cours de tir élémentaire et un peloton équivalent le cours de tir de gros calibre Phase II) ainsi que l'équipe nationale de tir. Tout au long des années 1990 et début des années 2000, Connaught offrait tous les cours de tir de précision, le cours d’instructeur en conditionnement physique et sport, le cours de parachutiste des Cadets de l’Armée, ainsi que tous les échanges de cadets de l'Armée (ECA).
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Warrant Officer Oakie has been inducted into the Canadian Forces Sports Hall of Fame. He has coached and mentored cadets at Connaught CTC for many many years. Congratulations! ----- Adjudant Oakie a été intronisé au Temple de la renommée des sports des Forces canadiennes. Il a été entraîneur et mentor pour les cadets à CTC Connaught pour de nombreuses années. Félicitations à vous!
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Connaught Cadets
Who is ready for Connaught 2016?! ----- Qui sont prêts pour Connaught 2016?!
FOCUSED- Physical testing for Parachute