The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is Canada's largest and foremost cardiovascular health centre dedicated to understanding, treating and preventing heart disease.
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facebook.comUnhealthy choices are costing the average Canadian 6 years of life
Ottawa-based study found that unhealthy choices are costing the average Canadian 6 years of life. Une étude menée à Ottawa démontre que les mauvaises habitudes de vie coûtent 6 années de vie aux Canadiens.
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On behalf of our entire team. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the great Mauril Bélanger, a truly courageous and inspiring man De la part de toute l’équipe de l’Institut, nos pensées et condoléances à toute la famille et aux amis de Mauril Bélanger. Un grand bâtisseur!
Lack of fresh food choices linked to signs of early heart disease | American Heart Association
Did you know? Lack of fresh food choices would be linked to signs of early heart disease! Le saviez-vous? Un accès restreint à des aliments frais serait lié à l'apparition précoce des maladies du coeur!
Risk Factors for Heart Disease: Nutrition
A few important reminders about nutrition / Quelques rappels importants au sujet de la nutrition
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Over $139K in infrastructure funding for the Heart Institute. A world-class centre, right here in Ottawa Plus de 139,000$ en financement pour nos infrastructures. Un centre de santé cardiaque de classe mondiale ici à Ottawa!!
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Have you seen our new lobby? The building of our expansion is progressing well, and we all take great pride in ensuring that you continue receiving world-class care! This is our promise! Vous avez vu notre nouveau lobby? La construction de notre expansion avance bien et nous sommes très fiers de continuer de vous donner des soins de classe mondiale!
3 tips to feeding your heart
Hungry? Here are 3 tips to feeding your heart! Voici 3 conseils d'alimentation pour un coeur en santé!
Photos from University of Ottawa Heart Institute's post
How many hospitals that you know are growing their own fresh herbs? Here's what we do with it! Thank you Chef Thomas Riding and team! Vous connaissez plusieurs hôpitaux qui font pousser leurs propres herbes fraîches? Voici ce que nous en faisons! Merci au Chef Thomas Riding et à toute son équipe!
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THE STORY OF ANGELO REKLITIS My father, Angelo Reklitis, was one of the first patients Dr. Keon performed the bypass surgery on so many years ago. I believe it was 1969 when he had the surgery and he was 38 years old. For the next 9 years, we lived at least 75% at the Civic Hospital and the Heart Institute. I remember many nights his physician, Dr. Goodman Cohen, and several other physicians would come to our home to see him, especially when we were having a crisis, and they would subsequently have him taken to the emergency. The first few years were a terrible strain on us but with the care of the Civic Hospital and the Heart Institute, Dr. Keon and Dr. Cohen, were able to keep my father with us even though he was bed ridden most of the time. We made his bedroom comfortable with a big chair, a television, and my uncle Matthew and other family would come and spend the evenings with him watching hockey or talking of old times. It gives my family a sense of contentment knowing that my father was one of many pioneers that helped pave the way to make it possible for Dr. Keon and his team of relentless doctors who persisted in hours of research and experiments to bring us to this level of fighting heart disease. I remember all the experimental drugs and techniques they used on my father which now almost 40 years later are probably still used in their fight against heart disease or at the least, helped in some way. So I ask you to not forget people like my father, who although did not have the chance to live a long and healthy life, assisted in so many other people being able to do so now. We lost my dad on November 8, 1978. He was only 47 years old. - Meni Reklitis (to share your story | Partagez votre histoire:
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Because saving lives is serious business. Our doctors, nurses, and all healthcare professionals are committed to it! Parce que sauver des vies, c'est notre mission! Et parce que c'est la seule priorité de nos médecins, infirmiers et infirmières, et professionnels de la santé!
Bride Walks Down the Aisle With Man Who Was Saved by Her Father's Heart Donation
A truly touching heart transplant story. We are proud to have changed the lives of over 600 heart recipients thanks to all the organ donors who have made a true difference! Voici une histoire très touchante de transplantation cardiaque. Nous sommes fiers d'avoir changé la vie de plus de 600 patients. Tout ça a été possible grâce aux donateurs d'organes : mille fois merci!
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GO CANADA GO!!! Cheering on the very best country in the world! À l'Institut, on encourage le meilleur pays au monde!