Google at Carleton University
We are the Google Student Ambassadors of Carleton University and this page keeps track of the latest events and activities of Google at Carleton!
Tell your friends
facebook.comGoogle Design
Thank you so much for coming to the UX design seminar and workshop :) Here are the links were mentioned by Hannah: Google Design: Google Internships for students:
UX Design Seminar and Workshop
Photos from Google at Carleton University's post
Thank you for coming out to Cracking The Coding Interview Part 2 everyone! All of the resources I mentioned can be found on the event page.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Seminar & Design Workshop
Cracking The Coding Interview (Part 2)
Google Code Retreat
Can you solve the temple riddle?
Cracking The Coding Interview (Part 1)
Special thanks to Cassie Cassell for taking the pictures!
Just a reminder that our Cracking The Coding Interview Workshop is tomorrow in the Math Tutorial Centre @ 5:30!
Deep Learning
Google just published a free, three-month course on deep learning!
Google at Carleton University
Google Canada has a new engineering HQ in Kitchener-Waterloo!