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Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre

7020 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls, Canada
Religious Organization



Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre is pleased to offer a variety of retreats, days of prayer and renewal, and workshops throughout the year. The Carmelites came to Niagara Falls in 1875 to administer the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace. The Saint Thérèse Shrine as well as the Mount Carmel Monastery and the Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre serve as a Retreat and Renewal Centre for the needs of the people of the Niagara area.

The original monastery was built in 1894 and enlarged in 1925 when it became a seminary. The Monastery chapel is also the Canadian Shrine of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The side altar on the right of the chapel is dedicated to Saint Thérèse.

The chapel has a unique beauty because of its monastic simplicity. The main altar is the most prominent feature of the chapel and attracts the immediate attention of the visitor. The right side of the chapel is the shrine to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower. On the altar is a magnificent reliquary from France with two adoring angels supporting the arc containing the relics of St. Thérèse.

Mount Carmel is home to the Canadian National Shrine to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The Monastery has both an indoor and outdoor shrine for Saint Thérèse.  The Indoor shrine is located inside the chapel and may be visited during chapel hours Mon-Sun 9am to 5pm. The outdoor shrine is located on the grounds in the grotto and is accessible year round.

Mass is celebrated at 11:15 am, Monday to Friday in the Shrine Chapel.


A weekend to bid farewell to last year and to create some space for the surprises, challenges and blessings waiting in the wings of 2018. Mini-presentations, group work, prayer and personal reflection, as well as rituals and tools for letting go of the old and welcoming the new. Bring last year’s calendar/agenda. Candlelight dinner and social evening on Saturday. All in the welcoming environment of Mount Carmel. Come celebrate!

This workshop is devoted to examining the role of the angels in the Christmas story, beginning with who and what these heavenly beings are. Participants will delve into Christmas from the very beginning, the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, all the way to the shepherds’ joyful meeting with the little Lord of All. Through story-telling, prayer, meditation, and reflective journaling, participants are guided to an understanding of the power and meaning this story has for their lives today. In the final session, participants explore the good news they have to share with the world and the gifts they offer. Presented by Deborah Vaughan. ​

Presented by. Deborah Vaughan Saturday Nov. 25, 2017 Cost: $65 (includes buffet lunch) ​ This workshop is devoted to examining the role of the angels in the Christmas story, beginning with who and what these heavenly beings are. Participants will delve into Christmas from the very beginning, the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, all the way to the shepherds’ joyful meeting with the little Lord of All. Through story-telling, prayer, meditation, and reflective journaling, participants are guided to an understanding of the power and meaning this story has for their lives today. In the final session, participants explore the good news they have to share with the world and the gifts they offer. ​​ The Rev. Deborah Vaughan is an author, artisan, educator and popular workshop facilitator and speaker. Deb is a graduate of Trinity College and has a degree in Journalism from Ryerson. From her home base in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Deborah offers services dedicated to helping people rediscover their joy and satisfaction in life through Spiritual Direction, workshops and pastoral services. She also trains people to be Lay Pastoral Chaplains and wedding officiants. ​ Deborah has written for The Anglican, the Toronto Star, and has co-authored Angels Help Us: Discovering Divine Guidance for Dundurn Press. A Beloved Story. ​ Since we were infants, many of us have participated in the Christmas story in many ways. We may have been in a Christmas pageant, or have heard the story read to us while sitting on a loved ones' lap, or watched television specials or sung the carols of the season. We know the story by heart and still, every Christmas Eve, our hearts tingle with wonder at the mystical mingling of Divinity and stables, shepherds and choirs of angels and what it means to the world... The Christmas story speaks in symbol and imagery. It calls us to look to the shining stars and feel a part of something bigger. Entering the Mystery offers an intimate walk with the characters of the story. In it we meet a young girl named Mary, an older man named Joseph, an Angel on a mission and a familiar cast of people. But, this workshop allows a dance with the mystery, with the way in which Creator moves through each person, creature and scene -- and our life too. Participant Profile: This is a general workshop, ideal for adults of all ages. Both seniors and young working adults have found it profoundly moving and inspiring. While it does not require a specific level of educational achievement or religious background, it helps adults who have lost the joy of Christmas to find it once more.

portage road entrance

Saturday Nov. 25, 2017 Cost: $65 (includes buffet lunch) ​ This workshop is devoted to examining the role of the angels in the Christmas story, beginning with who and what these heavenly beings are. Participants will delve into Christmas from the very beginning, the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, all the way to the shepherds’ joyful meeting with the little Lord of All. Through story-telling, prayer, meditation, and reflective journaling, participants are guided to an understanding of the power and meaning this story has for their lives today. In the final session, participants explore the good news they have to share with the world and the gifts they offer. Presented by Deborah Vaughan.

A Mount Carmel Workshop Saturday, November 18, 9 am.-3 pm. Cost: $65 - includes buffet lunch Are you experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage, or the breakup of a relationship? Grief is a natural response to loss Understanding the Grief you are feeling is the first step to healing. Using various methods, we will explore the many facets of grief. for more information: ​
