Living Water Community Christian Fellowship
We hope this page will help people to stay connected and informed about what is happening with the Living Water church family in New Hamburg, Ontario.
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Worship Service at 10:00 am. Followed by the message by Pastor Craig titled, "Fear & Faith." Don't forget church members our Annual Meeting is immediately following the worship service.
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Worship Service at 10:00 am. Followed by the message by Pastor Craig titled, "Ready for Jesus"
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Worship Service at 10:00 am. Message by Pastor Craig titled, "The World Needs a Saviour". We will also have a special presentation by Journey Canada presentation by Glen Nyhus & Bruce Sawatsky
Footprints On The Future - Will & Estate Planning Seminar
This Saturday is the “Footprints On The Future” seminar with Mike Strathdee from Mennonite Foundation of Canada. Mike will be talking about the importance of estate planning, having a will and keeping your will up to date. He will also be talking about the resources that Mennonite Foundation offers to help people do this. They offer financial counselling and also some financial incentives to help make this easier. So whether you are young or older, this will be a valuable morning. This is not only for us at Living Water. Everyone is welcome so feel free also to invite friends and neighbours. I would ask, however, that if you haven’t already signed up that you call or e-mail the church office to let us know you are coming so that Mike can be prepared to bring enough books and resources for everyone. Coffee and snacks will be provided and the seminar will be over by 11:30am.
Blessings to Tyler Kirkbride and Geordi Frere on their baptism this morning! Join us for a great celebration!
Living Water Community Christian Fellowship
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Baptism Worship Service at 10:00 am. This Sunday Geordi Frere and Tyler Kirkbride will be sharing their testimonies, followed by a message by Pastor Craig titled, "Hope for Hopeless Times".
The next session of the "Marriage on the Rock" video series by Pastor Jimmy Evans is happening this Saturday evening. This will be Session 2, covering "The Four Foundational Laws of Marriage." It will start at 7:30 and be all over by 9:00. Please bring a snack to share for the snack table. All are welcome.
Footprints On The Future - Will & Estate Planning Seminar
Footprints On The Future - Will & Estate Planning Seminar
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Worship Service at 10:00 am. This Sunday Pastor Craig will be sharing the message titled, "Who is on Your Throne?!?".
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Come and join us at 8:45-9:30am on Sunday for our Prayer Time following by our Worship Service at 10:00 am. This Sunday Pastor Craig will be sharing the message titled, "Rediscovering Our First Love!".