SPWC cares for injured and orphaned wild animals, whether they be birds, mammals, reptiles or amphibians The Mandate of the facility is to help all injured and orphaned wildlife, mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians and release them back into the wild. We also give advice and assistance to property owners who are having problems with their wild animal neighbours and can offer humane alternatives to solve these conflicts.
The Founder and President is Sue Meech who is licensed Provincially by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Federally by Canadian Wildlife Services to provide care and shelter for birds and mammals.
In 2011, over 1700 mammals and birds were admitted to the Centre. Most were released successfully.
There are two full time staff year round and one part time seasonal staff member. We have several fantastic volunteers who help in many ways. Some help with the animals and birds that are admitted. Others help with transportation needs, and some help with the fund-raising. In 2007 we started an internship program where students come and live at the centre and help care for the huge influx of patients that come in the Spring and Summer.
As of January 1st 2002 we are a Registered Charity. Tax receipts will be issued for donation over $20.00 We receive no funding from the Government. All our funds come from donations and fund-raising.
Tell your friends
facebook.comCheck out these special edition SPWC openers The Pocket Watch Purveyor donated! There will be some some for door prizes at The Barn Raiser with Buzz Collins! #SPWC #iamabarnraiser #buzzcollins #aquaticcentre #fundraiser #napanee #comedy #communitysupport #barnfire
We are excited to spread the Barn Raiser tickets out to the stores that have offered to sell them for us! Tickets are $20 cash at each location. Thank you to Pet Valu Belleville, Deadleaf Distinguished Gentlemen, Gray's IDA Drug Store, Pita Pit Napanee, Avanta Salon & Spa, The Mutt Hutt Spaw & Pet Centre Inc., Pet Valu Kingston - Your Pet Your Store! Stop by and pick up some tickets before they are all sold out!!
UPDATE : Swan has a ride!! This swan needs a ride to Port Darlington Nuclear plant tomorrow (Friday March 9). He needs arrive there before 3PM, so he can meet up with one of the plant's employees and hitch a ride to the release site where all his family are hanging out 😊 We know what you are thinking....awfully demanding bird isn't he? LOL! 😆 If you are able to give him a ride please contact Sue at Or by phone at 613-354-0264
A crafty fundraiser! Drawing on the creative resources we have in our community this event will require willing participants that want to compete in the competition and enter a bird house they built, as well as event attendees that will vote on each of the categories. After the winners are announced the bird houses will be auctioned off and all proceeds will go to SPWC. This event will be at the Napanee Golf and Country Club Hall. Birdhouse entries can be dropped off the same day between 3 and 5:30PM. Voting will start at 6::30PM and the Auction will start at 7:30PM. Prize Categories: Children 12 and under Youth 13-18 Adults Seniors Best Scale Model of a Structure Best Scale model of a local historical landmark Best in Show Those wanting to compete will need to register with Janelle by emailing, by March 31st!
Thank you Don Drones On for the informative video answering the question Why do we need heating pads? Check it out!
Tickets for the Barn Raiser are currently being printed and will be available by Friday of this week!!
A hilarious evening of entertainment for a great cause! We are hoping to raise funds to help rebuild after our devastating barn fire in January! Pita Pit Napanee are providing snacks, the Veterinary Assistant Students of St. Lawrence College are helping with the event and will be putting on a silent auction/raffle. Come out to the Lion's Hall in Napanee and show your support of SPWC and help us rebuild the barn and add an Aquatic Facility for waterbirds to better help our work with aquatic species (loons, swans, ducks, and geese)!
WOW! What a haul! Great job and massive thank you's go to the 20th Belleville Sparks for collecting all these donations for the animals at SPWC!!
Another big thank you to this hard working volunteer crew! They impressed all of us with their strong work ethic and team work! Great job done by all, thank you Kingston Teen Naturalists!!
Tomorrow evening! Affordable pet nail trims for a great cause! When you are there make sure to thank Kiley for putting this event on every first Monday of the month and fundraising for SPWC all year long!!!!