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Jessie Hemphill Consulting

, Nanaimo, Canada
Consulting Agency



Looking for help with community planning, facilitation, communications or project management? Let's talk! Welcome!

I'm Jessie Hemphill and I provide a lot of great services to communities and people all over the place, with a focus on community development and building capacity. Please take a look at the left-hand menu to find out more about the types of projects I have been involved in - everything from coordinating First Nations comprehensive community plans to designing and managing survey projects to making art that celebrates British Columbia's coast.

Please let me know if you've got a project you'd like some help with, or a question, by sending me an e-mail:


Off to Winnipeg tomorrow to present on the Sayisi Dene Comprehensive Community Plan and do some prepping for the upcoming national CCP workshop in February. I'm excited to reunite with some colleagues and friends, and visit one of my fave Canadian cities :)

Off to Edmonton today to co-facilitate a two-day Comprehensive Community Planning workshop!

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The BC Comprehensive Community Planning workshop has come to a close, after four amazing jam-packed days of community building, networking and knowledge sharing. It was an honour to facilitate again this year, my sixth time doing this workshop! Time flies and I feel so proud to be a part of this community of practice. The #ccpworkshop is always a powerful, nourishing experience that leaves me feeling energized, supported, and excited about the impact of our work. Huge thanks to the ?aqam community and Ktunaxa nation for hosting us - it was a gift to be in your homelands this week.

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Finished up my last facilitation job for a while - Treaty Strategic Planning with my own community, Gwa'sala- 'Nakwaxda'xw!! It was awesome to hang out with our Chiefs, councillors, chief negotiator and staff over the last three days, and we got so much work done! Gila'kasla!

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Thank you Naut'sa mawt Resources Group for having me facilitate your strategic planning session today in Stz'uminus territory. We covered so much ground and it's awesome to see how you are working to strengthen your culture and languages while also protecting the environment and making money to support your communities. #rolemodels (also, after four straight days of facilitation, in two different provinces, I'm ready for the weekend!!!!)

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Group shot (minus folks that had to leave a bit early) from Saskatoon's Community Development workshop this week - so awesome to see Comprehensive Community Planning growing across the country!! Thanks for inviting me to facilitate.

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Pics of events that I facilitated or helped out with

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Love this banner from last week's Wuikinuxv Treaty AGA. It was a great challenge to facilitate for that three days, with 150+ people, and I enjoyed every minute. Sounds crazy, but I especially loved chairing the resolutions session - taking a potentially complicated and confusing process and helping to make it run as smoothly and quickly as possible felt great! #facilitationgeek

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Over the last two days I offered my first standalone facilitation workshop. 20 people from all over BC came together to learn some new skills, and left feeling so good that they want to stay connected to each other and come back in a year for an alumni event. My heart is full of gratitude - everyone worked hard, spoke honestly, shared their own experiences, and listened deeply to each other. Many tears were shed, because of the safe space we created, and there was also a lot of laughter and planning for how to take these skills out into the world. Before day one began, I asked my grandma Lucy's spirit to be with me and bring me strength. At the end of the workshop, one woman was moved to share a song that her grandmother taught her. I don't think that's a coincidence. I can't wait to do the next one - but it might be as long as spring 2017 before I have the time to do another. If you didn't get a chance to join us, but you wish you had, please stay tuned for notice of any upcoming workshops.

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Photos from Jessie Hemphill Consulting's post

it's been such a treat to spend this week at the Spirit Bear Lodge in Klemtu, facilitating the Wuikinuxv-Kitasoo-Nuxalk Tribal Council annual leadership conference and AGM. Couldn't ask for better working conditions or a more cheerful group :)

Photos from Jessie Hemphill Consulting's post

Local Government and First Nations Relations

New blog post -

Leading Groups: Facilitation Skills for Community Development

Register at I will be running a workshop here in Nanaimo to teach facilitation and community engagement skills. It will be practical, and it will be a hoot! If you want to come, you have the option of coming for just day one (Basics) just day two (Beyond Basics) or both days. This would be a great workshop for frontline workers, elected officials, planners, communications professionals, teachers, board chairs, managers, and anyone else who leads groups and wants to do it effectively and enjoyably. Lunch and supplies will be provided. The cost is $200 for one day, or $300 for both days. Feel free to email me ( with any questions.

Leading Groups: Facilitation Skills for Community Development
