Heart Stone Paper
Heart Stone Paper offers ecochic, tear & water resistant multimedia stone paper journals, pads & art sheets. Be ready for what life gives you! We’re about being open to new creative experiences, trying out new processes, and rolling with the results. Not only are we curious, but we’re also problem solvers. We have designed waterproof durable sketchpads and journals that can handle the adventure as you your seek inspiration.
Our journey has been one of unexpected solutions and new pathways. What if paper boats could float? What if paper stencils could be reused time and time again? What if the pull tab from your soda could become your newest writing tool?
Our paper is built to accept most mediums, is super tough, and will never give you a paper cut. Third party Cradle to Cradle certification is a good indication of our paper’s eco friendliness in reducing the consumption of trees and water and the use of bleach (none of these are required to make our stone TerraSkin™). We are not proposing replacing fiber-based paper, we’re just offering an innovative alternative.
Bring a fresh eye to your next artistic endeavor. Hit the reset button on the notion of what paper can do. Whether you’re sketching, crafting or constructing, you are part of the discovery process. So experience the freedom to see the moment – after all chaos is just life!
Our offices are located near the Monkland Village in Montreal, QC ~ where daily we enjoy beesness… we take care of 2 sweet honey bee hives under the guidance of master organic beekeeper Alain Pericard.
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feel like getting in a run...Read about Kevins tips and techniques on oil painting on TerraSkin stone paper
Caran d’ache Colored Pencils with Kristy Kutch - Wet Paint
Kristy Kutch is holding a fab workshop on 16 pt TerraSkin .check it out! Hi, Lea- One of my students photographed me demonstrating Terraskin paper yesterday morning. There were plenty of ooh-s and ah-h-s when I started showing them my tulips on Terraskin. The class was especially impressed how readily it takes color without even the need for liquid blending or heavy burnishing. Again, thank you- If you look at www.wetpaintart.com, I'll be giving a demo there on August 1 on our way home. The tulip picture posted there is my latest on Terraskin. Take care, Kristy Kutch
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Landscape oil painting on HeartStonePaper TerraSkin by the exuberant Kevin Jenne. He is fearless with paint. I heard he was papering his car with waterproof TerraSkin and painting it... Why not! #outsidethebox #kevinjenne #terraskin
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Ohhh thanks Kevin Jenne , sweet summer colors on HeartStonePaper -16pt 28"x40" TerraSkin paper
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Graphite on stone...a graphite rubbing on heartstonepaper TerraSkin. The graphite on the super resilient stone paper picked up details in the 300 yr old craving that the eye could no longer see! Magical to see the "hand" of that stone mason revealed. Btw always respectfully stay within the paper when doing rubbings #graphitedrawing #graphite #terraskin #rubbings #angels
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Kevin Jenne is soooo full of energy and zest , one justs want to catch a bit of that from him and bottle it! Right now he is painting up a storm on 12pt and 16pt heart stone paper ( you know the stone paper , cradle to cradle certified, accepts all mediums) Check out his landscapes in the next few posts ( I believe all in La Belle Province) #bottleThatEnergy #terraskin #kevinJenne #landscapepainting #enpleinaire #expressyourself #paint
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Kevin Jenne painting on heart stone paper TerraSkin. More to come he is on a roll!.
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The city is wafting perfume,walking is soo worth it! #stopandsmelltheroses #getoutdoors #rockpaper #terraSkin#pocketnotebook
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When you live in northern latitudes SPRING is a big deal. Nothing short of a miracle seeing and being in this saturation of colour and life. #makingVitamenDagain #springflowers #pocketnotepads #getoutdoors #cradletocradle #rockpaper
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Arrow points the way to the Montreal harbor and all the spring greens finally bursting out on the way there. I love the site lines indicated this way! Panoramic views abound , perfect for this refillable stone sketch pad. #terraskin #enpleinair #getoutdoors #sketchbook #arrow #thankstina
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It's happening now ! The brief window of full-on trilliums on the summit of Mount Royal is today. Rain is forecast tomorrow so go now :) if you can. It was friend JoAnne that called the peak and got me there - so happy. Famous in my world for her wise sentiment "I had to cancel everything and go enjoy the the sun!"
Photos from Heart Stone Paper's post
FYI Upcoming Exhibition from Montreal Artist L'OR ":The Terraskin allowed me to explore mixed media with a new look, it adapts to all mediums and you have to play with all of them if we want to enjoy the Terraskin." Née en 1960 à Montréal,L’OR fait des études en art et en graphisme à l’université Concordia pour ensuite se perfectionner en portrait et en modèle vivant. Gagnante de 14 prix au cour de sa carrière, elle a à son actif plusieurs expositions hors frontières qui lui ont value plus de la moitié des prix qu’elle a remporté .Ses œuvres ont été exposées dans plus d’une galerie à New York en France ainsi qu’au Carrousel du Louvres à Paris et à Chicago. Terraskin est un papier que j'ai découvert en le testant pour le magasin de matériel d'artiste pour le quel je travaille. Nouveau sur le marché il y a quelques années , j'ai été impressionnée par sa versatilité et l'ai recommandé afin que tous puissent en profiter. Depuis j'ai expérimenté toutes sortes de techniques et médiums et le terraskin offre beaucoup de possibilités aux créateurs d'images de toutes sortes. Je souhaite mettre le résultat de mes recherches dans un livre que je suis à écrire et que j'aimerais publier bientôt. J'aurais cependant une recommandation à faire aux utilisateurs de ce papier . Le terraskin tend à réagir à la température ambiante alors il faut éviter les écarts de température. Le terraskin m'a permis d'explorer les techniques mixtes avec un nouveau regard , il s'adapte à tous les médiums et il faut savoir jouer avec chacun d'eux si l'on veut apprécier le terraskin. Je présenterai à l'automne une exposition dans laquelle on retrouvera des oeuvres sur terraskin. J'offre périodiquement et sur demande des ateliers de formation sur le terraskin pour les artistes désireux de découvrir ce nouveau papier. Contactez-moi par courriel ; lor.artiste@gmail.com