SPORTES Inc: Canadian company designing quality outdoor gear and products
SPORTES Inc :Compagnie canadienne qui conçoit des produits pour le plein air
SPORTES Inc. est une entreprise Montréalaise (Québec, Canada) soucieuse de bien concevoir ses produits et d’offrir une expérience unique à ses utilisateurs.
SPORTES outdoor tools s'adresse aux adeptes de plein air, pêcheurs sportifs, chasseurs et campeurs.
Chaque produit est issu d'une aventure ou expérience sur le terrain par son fondateur ou ses collaborateurs.
Nos produits sont conçus en utilisant des matériaux et finis bruts. Les égratignures, la rouille, les traces de coups et autres marques d'usure ajouteront du caractère.
Ils sont fabriqués en majeure partie ici au Québec de façon semi-industrielle par des entreprises locales spécialisées,
SPORTES dessine <<des outils pour vivre dehors >>
Nos produits ne sont vendus et livrés uniquement qu’à travers la province du Québec pour l’instant, mais nous travaillons activement pour élargir notre réseau de distribution d’ici 2015.Veuillez nous excuser pour cet inconvénient.
SPORTES Inc. is a Montreal-based company (Quebec, Canada) commited to designing quality products, and to offering a unique user experience.
SPORTES OUTDOOR TOOLS are aimed at outdoors enthusiasts, sport fishermen, hunters and campers.
Each piece is the result of a real-life adventure experienced by the founder himself or his collaborators.
Our products are designed purposely using raw materials and rough finishes - The occasional scratches, rust, bumps, and other signs of wear and tear will only add character to your tools.
They are mostly made here in Quebec, in semi-industrialized environments, by specialized local companies.
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facebook.comFlash back ! while ice fishing, on the St Laurent river ( QC) at -7 using our new design the FIREWAALL-003 / copyright 2016 . Photo : Christophe Terrade c. 2017 ( Mtl) 100% made in Canada . Music by @futuropelo . Available in Japan , USA , Canada , Australia , Europe ! WARNING : This test was made on thick and secure iced water , in a shallow section! #sportesoutdoortools #stainlesssteel #industrialdesign #design #outdoors #steel #madeincanada #canadianbrand #testing #manufacturing #quebec #tools #ice #winter #inox #fire #camper #heat #campfire #industrialdesign #designer #heat #firewaall #burning #cold #river #winter #surviving #wilderness #icefishing #outside #survival #wilderness #icefishing #fishing #winter
Soon Fly fishing season Is ON ! We are planing a Salmon and stripe bass in June ! Keep you posted ! Follow us to see all our adventures in the wilderness where we get the inspiration for the products we create . #gaspesie #canada #flyfishing #fishing #wading #waders #simms #stcroixrods #sage #sportesoutdoortools #sportesinc #rivers #wilderness #river #salmon #hooked #fishinglife #angler #nature #canadianbrand #canada #ariverrunsthroughit . Images by @chryster01 on the Salmon river / Altmar USA . 2014
Instagram post by Shigeru Kudo • Apr 23, 2017 at 1:08am UTC
Tks Shigeru :👍🏼 and Thrive !
Instagram post by Shigeru Kudo • Apr 22, 2017 at 10:19pm UTC
Somewhere in Japan 👍🏼 with the Firewaall
SPORTES Inc. (@sportes_outdoor_tools) • Instagram photos and videos
FOLLOW US on Instagram . All our stories , encounters , products development , designs , experiments and adventures are there 👍🏼
Another amazing number of views and comments about our first product and demo video of the MITI-001 on Smartly 👍🏼
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Our worldwide sold 100% made in Canada cooking tool is now available on AMAZON JAPAN with our new distributor for MITI & FIREWAALL at Ogawa Syoten ! Link for the firewall to come soon . #ogawasyoten #miti #madeincanada #amazon #amazonjapan #amazonjp #japan #canadianbrand #swedishtorch #outdoors #outdoortool #cookingtool #cooking #sportesoutdoortools #sportesinc #design #industrialdesign #exporting #international #canadianinjapan #ilovejapan #proudlycanadian #logstove #fire #camping #camper #firecamp
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ORANGE is the new Camo ! New web site on the go , we are temporarily closed at for major redesign and add ons . Our company is growing and we had serous need to improve the customer and distributor experience .Thanks for using our social medias and email to contact us , we will reply asap .Meanwhile distribution is still going strong at our regular dealers around the world here are the main ones : @canadianoutdoorequipment @loneconeshop @cottage_jp @grillsandstoves @craftandcaro . We are thrilled to present you the SPORTES inc. web site 2.0 very soon . #orange #canadian #brand #branding #canadianbrand #sportesoutdoortools #sportesinc #madeincanada #montreal #quebec #manufacturing #industrialdesigner #designedincanada #underconstruction
Sportes Inc
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THRIVE co Ltd is now carrying and distributing our FIREWAALL all over Japan . #firewaall #firewaall003 #sportesoutdoortools #sportesinc #madeincanada #canadianbrand #canadian #canada #fire #camping #heating #stainlesssteel #canada #🇯🇵 #🇨🇦 #outdoors #firepit #productdesign #designer #industrialdesign #japanese #firecamp #wild #outdoorsman #japan🇯🇵 #quebec #heating #woodrack #rack #compact #lasercut #productdesign #lowtech @geruneeeee Tks to Shigeru for his faith and great work with our products and brand ! 👍🏼
【SPORTES / スポルテス】 FIREWAALL - 003 / ファイヤーウォール -
SPORTES Outdoor Tools / 株式会社スライブ - Thrive Co., Ltd
JAPAN ! We are now available with the FIREWAALL #thrivejapan #madeincanada #sportesoutdoortools THRIVE Co., Ltd