Great Quality Slow Feed Hay Nets are the best choice for feeding your pony, horse, sheep or donkey in a more natural way! Slow Feeding... the Pony way! We have all seen the hay nets in our local tack stores, what makes us different?
Our pony sized nets are made to last. We use strong knotted netting with a smaller 1" sized hole. This smaller opening further extends feeding times and makes for a more natural experience.
Your pony will thank you!
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NEW OFFER! We are once again offering our WHOLESALE PRICES deal. Now until the end of June order any of our hay nets at wholesale pricing! A great time to stock up on the BEST slow feed nets on the market! Check our website for updated sale prices or contact us at for more information.
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Seems like an appropriate one to post right now. Happy Mother's Day everyone!
Three Not-So-Common Myths about Feeding Horses
Using a Purely Ponies slow feed hay nets is the best way to mimic natural grazing and ensure your horse has hay 24/7. A couple days left of free shipping -
Purely Ponies
FREE SHIPPING ends on April 30th. A great time to stock up on nets for the season! Order today -
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Happy Easter!
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Don't Forget - FREE SHIPPING continues until the end of April! Enter "FREESHIP" at checkout to receive your discount!
Purely Ponies's cover photo
Photos from Purely Ponies's post
FREE SHIPPING CONTINUES UNTIL THE END OF APRILl! Stock up on nets for the upcoming show season and be sure your horse is fed and happy while away from home. Mini nets are perfect for trailering! We now have stock on hand of Sierra Gold MellowMax Grass, Fit and Polish MVG and Smooth Silver. Order today!
Sierra Gold Supplements for Horses
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Very excited to be able to offer this product to my customers. (In stock next week). This is my "go-to" remedy for curing almost everything for my family and now I can offer it to my horses!!
Purely Ponies
SPRING SPECIAL!! - Spend over $50 and have your name entered in a draw for a 1 month supply of Sierra Gold MellowMax Grass or Fit & Polished MVG! And because we are feeling so happy about spring, we are also offering FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50! Just another reason to be excited about SPRING!! Order online -