The Norgan Theatre
Volunteer Operated - Municipally Owned Theatre Major renovations to the Norgan Theatre were completed in the fall of 2007, and its first film, Shrek 3, was shown on November 2, 2007. One month later, on Sunday, December 2, 2007, the theatre re-opening was celebrated with an afternoon ceremony and community open house. That evening, more than 150 patrons enjoyed Fred Claus at the original 1947 admission prices: Child 5¢, Adult 25¢.
With its re-opening, the Norgan Theatre now continues a 60-year tradition of providing entertainment to the movie lovers of the Minto community and area.
In 1947, George Norgan (Nahrgang), a successful Vancouver businessman with roots in Palmerston, recognized the lack of leisure opportunities in his home town. He addressed this situation with a personal donation of $50,000 for the construction of a movie theatre, the Norgan Theatre which bears his name. The theatre opened August 18 1947 with 5,000 people attending various events. For six decades, the Norgan has served its community, bringing Al Jolson, Ginger Rogers, Elvis, Luke Star Wars and countless other
attractions to area film fans.
On more than one occasion, municipal politicians and residents have confirmed the importance of the Norgan Theatre to the community and rallied to its support. The Norgan is now one of the few remaining municipally owned theatres in Ontario. In addition to a restoration grant, the Town of Minto also funded a loan in excess of $170,000 to be repaid within 10 years through theatre revenue and individual and corporate donations. Donations, which are tax-deductible, may be made at any time; public recognition will be in accord with donor wishes.
Community volunteers have played a critical role in the restoration of the theatre. Initially, they served on the Ad Hoc Norgan Committee, participated in fundraising events and supplied work crews for the actual reconstruction. Volunteers now continue to be essential to the daily operation of the Norgan, selecting and scheduling films and serving as ticket sellers, confection booth staff, matinee monitors, housekeeping staff and projectionists. The Board of Directors of the Norgan Theatre oversee its overall operation and act as liaison with the Town of Minto.
As the first full season ends, the return of the Norgan Theatre has been welcomed by the community and has proven to be financially viable. With revenues generated through scheduled films, special events and theatre rentals and donations, the Board of Directors of the Norgan Theatre have been able to invest in additional equipment and surpass their annual debt reduction
obligation to the Town of Minto.
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Hey Ladies, are your looking for a night out this week? The Norgan is bringing back Ladies Night this Thursday, May 11th! The feature will be "Whip it" and the cocktails will be cold! Show time is at 7pm and admission is by donation with proceeds going to the Guelph - Wellington Women In Crisis Rural Women's Support Program. Hope to see you there!
SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE - Official Trailer #2 (HD)
Smurfs: The Lost Village G 90 mins Friday, May 12th at 8pm Saturday, May 13th at 11am Saturday, May 13th at 8pm Sunday, May 14th at 7pm
The Norgan Theatre's cover photo
The Norgan Theatre's cover photo
The Fate of the Furious Trailer #2 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers
Fate of the Furious PG 137 mins Friday, May 5th at 8pm Saturday, May 6th at 8pm Sunday, May 7th at 7pm
Beauty and the Beast – US Official Final Trailer
What a great crowd out for Beauty and the Beast this past weekend! If you missed the chance to see it or you loved it so much you just have to see it again, the Norgan will be holding it over for 1 more weekend!!!!!! Showtimes: Friday, April 28th at 8pm Saturday, April 29th at 11am Saturday, April 29th at 8pm Sunday, April 30th at 7pm
Photos from The Norgan Theatre's post
Beauty and the Beast starts tonight at the Norgan! While your there make sure you take a selfie and enter to win our Norgan 70th Anniversary Photo Contest! Remember all you need to do is post it to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook with #Norgan70th
Photos from The Norgan Theatre's post
A big thank you to all who attended Canadian National Film Day at the Norgan! #CanFilmDay
Timeline Photos
Tomorrow is Canadian National Film Day! Come check out "My American Cousin" playing at 7:15pm at the Norgan. This event will be licensed with Canadian beer, wine and whiskey available at $5 a drink. Admission is FREE!!
The Norgan Theatre's cover photo
Beauty and the Beast – US Official Final Trailer
Beauty and the Beast PG 127 Mins Friday, April 21 at 8pm Saturday, April 22nd at 4pm and 8pm Sunday, April 23rd at 7pm