Impact Nutrition
Description - Stop Thinking about it...Start Doing it! LOSE WEIGHT! Burn fat and build muscle! Online nutritional consulting and personal training. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE, MOMS, DADS, AVG JOE'S, ALONG WITH SERIOUS ATHLETES! Online Nutrition Coaching - Personal Training Facility - Contest Prep - Transformation Specialists
FAT LOSS, build muscle, look better, feel better.
Working with everyone from the avg joe & working mom to the competitive physique athlete.Whether via e-mail or in person, we have services for you.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"I haven't seen my abs since 1988!" Actual quote from Charles Sciortino, who's abs reappeared after a 30yr hiatus. Charles is a personal trainer at the Impact Nutrition Personal Training Facility and Gym. He is about to turn 49, and is getting ready for his first #bodybuilding competition, the Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA) in Calgary this spring. Keep it up Charles!! 🔥💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🔥 #impactnutrition #teamimpactathlete #makeanimpact #NPAA
GO KELLY GO!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Repost @kellyyake (@get_repost) ・・・ 33.5lb down!! Got up to 210lb during my pregnancy with Megan. Hoping to get down to 155 or 160! Hard work but making progress. Thanks again @kineticyql @runningmama85 (for the pre and post natal training), @wyattyake and @impactnutritionandfitness #postpartumbody #postnatalfitness #kineticyql #impactnutrition #fitness #cardio #weighttraining #weightloss #goals #mombod
Suzanne Allred Idfa Pro continues her strength progression, hitting a 285lb deadlift in training this morning at the Impact Nutrition Personal Training Facility and Gym. Age 43 and tying a lifetime PR... #noexcuses #lesstalkmoreaction #impactnutrition #makeanimpact #teamimpactathlete
#tastyTuesday Sauteed Veggies & Elk Roast Lunch Today for lunch I threw together brussel sprouts, carrots, onion, mushrooms, garlic into a pan and sauteed them - using a sprinkle of roasted pepper spice then added leftover elk roast as my protein source at the end to warm it up. Making this yourself you could use some different veggies. Possibly some zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, asparagus to suit your tastes. -Coach Gen #food #fitfamily #fitmom #mealideas #lunch #supper #impactnutrition #healthylunches #makeanimpact
Client comments like these make our day - especially from someone that is 70: Even with Impact Nutrition general weight loss clients, it is not all about the number of pounds lost (though that is going well as well) Quality of life improvements matter as much as anything ---- "I need to tell you since I have been on this plan I haven't had reflux and heartburn. The reflux was getting bad so what a relief this is." As well, in the same check-in: "I'm very excited as I bought a T shirt online and it was too tight on me. I put it on Saturday and it fits. Yippee." Keep it up Linda Linden!
Congratulations to Team Impact Nutrition Athlete Amanda Yoos on her 3rd place finish in Bikini C, out of 16 ladies, at the ABBA Alberta Natural Championships, yesterday in Calgary. Amanda pushed through her prep like a champion. We are very proud of her! #impactnutrition #teamimpactathlete #makeanimpact #ABBA
Big Donovan Lewis dropped into Impact Nutrition's facility today while he was in town. Doing some pressing work as he gets ready for his Strongman Competition in Spokane, Washington on April 14th. He is one of the most athletic big guys around, there's footage of him doing a standing back flip at 275lbs. Good luck on your competition! Thanks for dropping in!
Shout out to Josh Russomanno, who came to me at the end of November, wanting to get stronger. First I had to help him fix his squat and deadlift form, and second I had to convince him to train at a lower percentage of his personal maxes, with better form, and progressively work back up, through several training blocks gradually increasing weight. As well as program some logical accessory work. He does not train at the Impact Nutrition facility, so his weekly workouts are done in another gym, with him reporting how things are going weekly, with the odd video form check. Though the initial form assessments and instruction were in person at our facility, and 1 follow-up in person meeting later. --Nov 30th his maxes were: Squat: 315x1 *not to depth, Bench Press: 270x1 *no pause, and Deadlift: 455x1 (with horrendous form, and a previous lifetime PR of 500 or 505). --In training last week his #s were: Squats: 340x2 x 3 sets, followed by an AMRAP set of 270x10 *hitting depth, Bench Press: 285x2 x 3 sets with pause, and an AMRAP set of 225x12 touch 'n go, and Deadlifts: 455x2 x 3 sets (a few weeks ago he went off program and tested his 1 rep max and hit 515lbs). This is vast improvement in all 3 lifts, especially if you factor in that his form is legit now, and was not on the initial #s. Josh is great at following directions and each week is 1 step closer to his goals! -Coach Justin
#fitmom of 3 Jenn Juris Constant hitting a set of 155x21 deadlifts today at the Impact Nutrition personal training facility and gym. This was her backdown set after working up to 210x4. Jenn is just over halfway through her very first contest prep, getting ready for the Natural Physique & Athletics Association (NPAA) Canada Classic this May. This #teamimpactathlete is rocking her contest prep nutrition program as well as her personal training sessions, and is progressively getting leaner, more muscular and stronger as each week passes! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 #impactnutrition #makeanimpact #NPAA 📩 🌍
When most kids on the verge of turning 17 are sleeping in after a hard night of video games... Barely getting up in time for school. Logan is at the gym with his dad 5x a week, before the sun comes up! Kulylogan Logan is working hard to be healthy, strong and a better football player next season. His dad Kevin Kuly, is a long time Impact Nutrition long distance online nutrition and training coaching client. He has been leading by example, bringing Logan along to accompany him as he executes his intense training regimen. We are super proud of these guys! 🌍 📩
We recently added a Stairmaster Stepmill to the Impact Nutrition personal training facility and gym. Thus far resident #fitmom Saraa Wever is the biggest fan... Using it everyday... I think she drove into town last Saturday to train, just so she could use it afterwards 🤣.
Team Impact Nutrition Athlete and #fitmom Leah Sloan, shown here at 6.5 weeks out of her first ever competition, as she prepares to hit the NPC Bikini stage in Montana. Leah is right on track and is a testament to the effectiveness of online nutrition coaching and contest prep, with a diligent client, as she lives on the other side of the border from us. Keep making it happen Leah!! #impactnutrition #makeanimpact 🌍 📩