We offer flower and vegetable bedding plants, trees, roses among other goodies for your yard needs.
A quaint art gallery in small town Saskatchewan that features work by local artists. Come in sit down for coffee! Now for sale 79000 dollars A great buy
We provide vocational and recreational activities to persons with cognitive disabilities through day programming and housing.
Welcome to Langenburg Home Hardware's Facebook page!
Langenburg & District Activity Centre includes: SARCAN; a sheltered workshop; paper/cardboard recycling; and three group homes.
Offering bookkeeping services for farmers and small businesses.
The Langenburg Swimming Pool offers a wide variety of lessons and programs from June to August, as well as public swimming and special events!
A local church that is dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chicken Chef is a locally owned and operated family restaurant offering a variety of foods for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
We are a young and enthusiastic group of young people who are passionate about animal health. Come and be part of the Prairie East Family!
Serving all homemade, fresh & delicious daily lunch/soup specials and specialty coffee including espresso, lattés & more!
Sharing the love of music and happiness! Here at Flav'r Country Ranch we are committed to have the most fun we can, all the time.
Pharmasave Langenburg is a pharmacy, liquor vendor and retail store located in Langenburg, Sask.
The Town of Langenburg Facebook page was created so the Town can connect with Residents and Business owners and provide useful information regarding the Town of Langenburg
We specialize in machining , custom fabrication and custom hyrdaulic cylinder repairs. We are located 1 mile south of Marchwell SK
Newly Renovated & moved into our new location!
Centre d'aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel C.P 273 JE9 3C9 Téléphone: (819) 441-2111 calacsmaniwaki@bellnet.ca Heures d'ouverture : LUNDI AU VENDREDRI 9HOO à 17HOO *MARDI SANS RENDEZ-VOUS
Target Sports Canada is Ontario's premier indoor shooting facility.We are open to the public and cater to unlicenced people looking to try shooting for the first time.Our in-house club The Grange is always accepting new members.
Full Service Hair Salon
École de pilotage Nolisement d'hélicoptères Achat-vente d'hélicoptères Service de hangar Dépositaire autorisé Robinson (est du Canada) Entretient dhélicoptères
A family run Restaurant. A cozy place to eat Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. We are open Tuesday-Saturday from 6:00 am to 9:00pm and Sundays 7:00 am to 9:00 pm
Could you all please send messages to an email (diane at mothers-helper.ca or call me at 519 566 7687
Fernie's year round adventures!
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure...(Hebrews 6:19) www.anchoredwarriors.com - check out our website! www.nativeyouthconference.com - check out the website for the annual Native Youth Conference