To sign an online waiver go to
Tell your friends
facebook.comHere's some lost and found items we are keeping safe
The kids are off school this week 😄 we are open at noon all week.
Here's the waiver link for everyone again
We will Open from noon to 5 on Family day. 👨👩👦👦✌
Yesterday's feeding time!!🦁
Anyone looking to remotely sign a waiver for your kids here it is😄
Looking for some chances to win lazer tag check out this upcoming event!
Kids are off school next week! Guess what that means, yep, we will be open at noon! From Tuesday, February 20 to Friday February 23!
What's everyone doing for Valentine's Day? I think we should do a little contest ❤ Share this post and tag someone that you would like to come and shoot, I mean come play lazertag with. We will draw a winner on February 14th at noon from everyone that shared for two games of lazertag for you and whoever you chose 😄
Where's all our lazer tag people tonight? Is everyone excited for Home town Hockey? We are!
Wow! Our weekends for January are almost completely booked up for birthday parties! We still have a couple evening spots open. February and March are starting to book up so if you are thinking about having a lazer fun party give us a message or call and book your spot now😄 Pricing For birthday parties 2 games and the party room for 1.5 hours is $17.50 a player 3 games and the party room for 2 hours is $23 per player. We require a $50 deposit at booking.