Welcome to Mother Goose Playschool in Lacombe, Alberta where we encourage and facilitate growth in all aspects of a child's development through cooperative play.
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facebook.comWe are pretty sure this will be a popular booth this Sunday!!! We cannot wait 😍 thank you Head Hunters for your amazing support!!
Have you heard?? Our tickets can now be used between March 19, 2018 and April 19, 2018!!! So if you can't make it on March 19th you can still use your tickets for a free pizza bread or bandera bread!!! 👍🏻🍕😁
This class loves experiments, so we discovered what baking soda, vinegar and glitter does🌟💫the stars looked so pretty!
Thank you Firewing Ag Solutions!! They have always been one of our biggest sponsors of this amazing event!!! ❤️
Kids loved wearing their pj’s today🚀
Pajama Day, too much fun🚀
Our friends at Wolf Creek Building Supplies are giving away 4 tickets to our amazing Capes and Tiaras event!! Make sure you go to their page and follow the instructions to be entered to WIN!!!! 😍
Come and join our FUN-draiser paint nite!! April 21, 2018 7pm upstairs from the school 🎨
Come and join us for this fun fundraiser event!! Create your own painting you get to take home and help us raise some money for the school!! Monies raised help us with cost of field trips, arts and craft supplies, special themed days and so much more!! Invite your friends for a great night out supporting Mother Goose Playschool
Thank you Kraay Family Farm for helping out with Capes and Tiaras ❤️
At Boston Pizza Lacombe!! Another great field trip, Tammy, Jackie and the kitchen staff are so good to us , thanks again for having us🍕