Our School is a place where students Care, Achieve, Lead & Learn while engaging in 21st century learning activities within local and global communities.
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On Day 142, the Grade 5/6 class were making and testing wind vanes for Weather Watch in Science #sciencefun #whichwayisthewindblowing
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On Day 141, the Eco team's fundraiser is going great. Thanks to everyone for your support. #makingmoney #greenthumb #flowers
Photos from Crestomere School's post
On Day 140, Mrs. Mueller is getting some planting boxes ready for a new crop study class #newandexcitingthings #farmingfun #happybees🐝
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On Day 139, we picked up our #littlegreenthumbs garden.
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On Day 138, the Gr. 2/3 class learn shapes using a rope #polygons #creativelearning
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On Day 137, Grade 1/2 and 2/3 go on a nature scavenger hunt for science. #scavengerhuntfun
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please remember to schedule your conference through our online booking link.
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Reminder: Kindergarten Open House
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On Day 136 we celebrate Grade 9 Farewell. #movingon #proud #greatgroupofkids
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On Day 134, the preparations begin for the Gr. 9 Farewell Celebrations tomorrow night. #farewellnight
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Bedding Plant Sale
Fundraiser for the Crestomere Eco Team