Providing support, information, referral, and advocacy within the Northern Administration District to victims of crime and traumatic events. Our Values: Respect, Equality, Culturally Sensitive, Wholeness, Accountability, Integrity
Our Clients: Our services our mainly offered to victims of interpersonal violence involving crimes of sexual assault, domestic violence, robbery and break and enter. Assistance is available to witnesses appearing in court and to family members when sudden death occurs.
Our Goals:
Lessen the effects of crime experienced by victims.
Assist the victims during their involvement in the criminal justice system.
Ensure that referral information is readily available to victims.
Prevent further victimization.
Enhance the communication process between victims, the police, and the criminal justice system.
Assist police in providing an effective, culturally sensitive, appropriate service to our communities.
Our Services: Emotional support, exploration of support systems and development of safety plans, assistance with case information, other support service information, crime prevention tips and home security checks, court orientation and accompaniment, referrals to other community agencies, act as a liaison between officers and victims, advocacy, compensation, Victim Impact Statements, referrals to Victim Witness.
Our Volunteers: We require caring and highly skilled volunteer Support Workers. Volunteers are needed to support victims in the immediate aftermath of a crime or tragedy and throughout the criminal justice process. Volunteers are security cleared by the police and receive extensive training prior to working with victims.
Funding: Victim Services is funded by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice Victim Services Branch, with in kind support from RCMP and community donations.
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Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Are you looking for a new and exciting, challenging, rewarding career? Join our North Sask Victim services team. We currently have openings in Montreal Lake, Deschambault Lake, Pelican Narrows. Check out the job posting on our FB page or give us a call at 306-425-3235.
STOPS to Violence
SaskJobs posting - Assistant Coordinator
Montreal Lake position. Check it out!!
SaskJobs posting - Assistant Coordinator
Another job opportunity in Deschambault Lake.
SaskJobs posting - Assistant Coordinator
Looking for an Assistant Coordinator for Pelican Narrows.
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