"How few there are who have the courage to own their own faults, or resolution enough to mend them" Benjamin Franklin
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facebook.comInner Fire
Super excellent yoga pants, some of my favs!
Early Morning Challenge!
A great opportunity to try some new classes bright and early! Pricing for non members and members alike plus amazing fresh juices everyday of the challenge! I'm doing it who's joining me on this early morning adventure!!! #Beawesome #yogachallenge #riseandshine #Moksha
ME YOGA's cover photo
A little story and reminder from Yesterday at Moksha Yoga Waterloo I've had a couple of students recently who were embarrassed for needing to come out of the hot room, in their minds they were not 'good enough' or 'strong enough' or felt guilty for leaving. Those students who can take a knee in class, Childs pose, Savasana or in some cases leave the room to calm their system are practicing yoga perfectly for themselves in that moment. This practice is to re-connect to one's inherit wisdom beyond the chatter or judgement of the mind; to calm it and acknowledge those moments when we need to take a step back to be healthy. If one can see past the ego ( in the case of the hot room it might be staying in a pose that hurts, or you're about to pass out but you push anyways) and take a step back, this is an advanced practice. So I commend those who sometimes stay in middle savasana or drop a knee in runners lunge or leave the room that one time it was just too much. Listen to the inherit wisdom that is always with you and be happy and proud to be connected to such an amazing thing. <3
The Huffington Post
So great!
Minds turned to ash
Great atricle about Burnout! Check it out!
If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. Jim Rohn
Rod Stryker
Boom! Always hits home :)
Shia LaBeouf "Just Do It" Motivational Speech (Original Video)
Feelin' this today!
Moksha Yoga Waterloo
Moksha Yoga Waterloo
Get in to the studio at a great rate this summer!
Save The Arctic
Very beautiful and powerful a must watch