This facebook page is all about KEI (Kuntz Electroplating Inc.) See the latest news and what's going on at the plant as we "be the best at what we do!"
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facebook.comMany great KEI Recreation/Social Events occurring this Year: ecreation/Social Events happening this year: Jan 28 - Adventure Room - $12.00/employee February - Date to be decided - Poker - $20.00/employee; Guests welcome! Mar 18 - Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat - Dunfield Theatre in Cambridge - $20.00/employee Apr 8 - Murder Mystery Dinner - Aberfoyle - $36.00/employee May 7 - Mother's Day Tea - Langdon Hall - $32.00/employee May - Date to be decided - Annual KEI Slow Pitch Tournament June 4 - Annual KEI Golf Tournament - $50.00/employee June 10 - Brewery History Tour - Uptown Waterloo July 1 - Boat Cruise Toronto Harbour - $42.00/employee July 23 - Family Day - Waterloo Region Museum (Doon Pioneer Village) - Games, entertainment, etc. (Also included in our day will be guest speakers at the British Home Children event to be held at the same time at the Museum). Special KEI price - $5.00/Adult and $2.50/Child; but must sign up before the event/at the plant! August - Date to be decided - Annual KEI Slow Pitch Tournament #2 Sept 23 - Toronto Blue Jays vs New York Yankees - Roger Stadium, Toronto. Bus trip. $41.00 per ticket; limit 2 tickets per employee. September - Date to be decided - Texas Hold'em Poker - Chicago Pub and Billiards. $20.00/employee October - Date to be decided - Axe Throwing - more info to follow. Oct 21 - Woodbine - Bus Trip - $27/employee. Nov 10 - 12 - US Shopping Trip to Pittsburgh - Cost to be determined. Limit to 56 persons. (Bus trip). Nov 18 - Annual KEI Children's Christmas Party - sign up to start after Labour Day 2017! Nov 25 - Annual Adult's Christmas Party - sign up to start after Labour Day 2017! Dec 9 - Beauty and the Beast, Dunfield Theatre, Cambridge. $20.00/employee Sign up now on in Human Resources...don't miss out on some of these events - sign up today! In most cases, employees can bring a guest to these events. For more information - please feel free to see Donna, Carmen or Katharine at the plant.
Next Wednesday, KEI is hosting a Blood Donor Clinic at Cdn Blood Donor Services at the corner of Weber and Bridgeport Streets in Waterloo, ON. At the present time, we've been asked to have 80 blood donations on December 28th to support local patients and thus far, we only have 47 people with appointments. If you are donating – THANK YOU; and please consider bringing a friend or family member with you to donate blood! .
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Reminder - Annual Children's Christmas Party starts this Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
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Its coming...Christmas lights for our annual outdoor Christmas display spotted in a golf cart this morning! Beautiful week with a high of 17 on Friday to put up our lights. Thanks Lance and Keith!
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It's that time of year; and its expected to be a great week weatherwise. Annual Company Outdoor Christmas display going up shortly... Be ready for it! (These Christmas lights were spotted in the back of golf cart this morning!)
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It's Halloween at KEI... Paws welcomed in a few tricker treaters over the noon hour.
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306 pairs of socks have been donated as of this morning to our Region's Toasty Toes 2016 campaign. Way to go KEI employees; once again leading the way!
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Once again this year - KEI has chosen to partner with 570 News and our local Salvation Army with their annual Christmas Toy Drive. Reminder to all KEI employees - to remember to bring an unwrapped, toy to this year's Adults Christmas Party - Saturday, November 26th, 2016.
Photos from KEI - Kuntz Electroplating Inc.'s post
At KEI, this fall season - we have been asked to support a local, community inititiative - called Toasty Toes! The Toasty Toes Sock Drive NEEDS SOCKS!!! Many people are particular about their socks. We all have our favourite pairs, in a certain colour, or by a certain make. Most of us are fortunate to have LOTS of socks and we can go out and buy ourselves a new pair – or pairs – whenever we need them. Unfortunately, we have many people here in Waterloo Region who aren’t as fortunate. Can you imagine not having socks, especially at this time of the year as the days are becming shorter and colder? Socks are an essential part of good health and are a constant need for homeless people, who spend the majority of time on their feet. Those who are homeless suffer from many foot-related afflictions including —swelling, blisters, skin infections, even frostbite. These afflications can be avoided by simply wearing new, dry socks. That’s why KEI is hosting its first Toasty Toes Sock Drive for the Homeless from now until November 10th, 2016. Last year ToastyToes 2015 collected 1001 pairs of new socks. They were distributed locally in Waterloo Region to: Bridgest Shelter, Cambridge Self Help Food Bank, House of Friendhsip, Kaljas Homes for Supportive Living, Marillac Place, Roof, St. John's Soup Kitchen, If you'd like to donate - You can donate socks through HR at KEI>
Photos from KEI - Kuntz Electroplating Inc.'s post
Just in time for Oktoberfest, this case of "Kuntz" beer was recently found. This beer (and special Kuntz bottles) was bottled by Labatt's Breweries in Waterloo, ON (1989 and 1990) to celebrate Waterloo Region's Oktoberfest during those years!
It's (Canadian) Thanksgiving this weekend; a reminder to all Safety comes first at home, play and be safe out on the roads if your travelling this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving and have an enjoyable weekend with family and friends!
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KEI is proud to partner with our Workforce Planning Board, EMC, Conestoga College, etc. to open our doors this Friday for Manufacturing Day 2016!