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This is a POWERFUL 4 minute video that is well worth your time. NBA coach Monty Williams delivers an incredible speech at his wife's memorial service this week after she was killed in a tragic car accident.
Sunday, February 21, 2016 The Story: Solomon from Jedi Master to Sith Lord 1st Kings 3: 7-12; 11: 1-9 Spoiler Alert! If you plan to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens - please close your ears as you read this week's message introduction. Kylo Ren is/was a Jedi Master following embraced and engaged in the life of the Force in the most recent Star Wars movie blockbuster. However, the ending ( ......and leaves the viewer wondering has Kylo really fallen completely under the spell of the First Order and Supreme Leader Snorke forever or is there a hope of redemption? A return to the Force? In short and in english, Kylo goes from good to bad. In the same way Solomon also falls from the Force of God and a wise leader, to become a follower of the dark ways of the god's of his various wives. The similarities are striking and the question we are left with at the end of the Solomon story - is did Solomon repent? Did he change his evil ways and return to God? This question has been debated by theologians - Jewish and Christian for millennia. As we continue The Story this Sunday we will look at the rise and fall of Solomon - given wisdom by God to be the wisest man of his time - to his fall in the pursuit of the sensual and the seeds it planted for Solomon and for Israel. Pastor Darrell
Chinese New Year - February 21 This Sunday - February 21 Join us after the worship service to celebrate Chinese New Year after the Worship Service. Help build our paper chain Doon dragon, or a lantern. Enjoy New Year's treats such as sticky rice balls, spring rolls and the tray of togetherness! Important: Tuesday February16 -Noon is the deadline to sign up for the All-You-Can-Eat Buffett: Adults $16.99 Children and Youth 13-19 $9.99. Children 12 and under - free! If you are able to attend please send an email to Please Join Us!
Our Daily Bread
The Story: David, A Man after God’s Own Heart. | Doon Presbyterian Church
Sunday, February 14 2016 The Story: David, A Man after God's Own Heart. 1 Samuel 16: 3-13; Acts 13: 16-22 First of all Happy New Year to all of us who celebrated Chinese New Year on Feb 8. Chinese New Year is a two week long celebration with something special each day, ending with the Lantern Festival on Feb. 22. And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. It is fitting that this Sunday we look at the story of David, a man called by God to be King because he was after God's own heart. But what does it mean to be "after God's own heart?" Does it mean that David was a man whose desires and wishes were close to God's own? Or does it mean God just liked the heart of David, because he was humble and not conceited and he relied on God? How could God say that David was after His own heart with all of David's terrible deeds and sin? And what does this mean for us today? In our investigation of what it is to be after God's own heart this Sunday, we will also reflect on God's love for us; especially through our music for this Sunday. Praise selections will include Love, Lifted Me; Open My Eyes Lord; Love Divine-All Love Excelling; and As the Deer (based on David's own hymn of love to God.) This Sunday let us explore God's heart and learn what is in it for us. Pastor Darrell
The Story: When God calls | Doon Presbyterian Church
Upcoming Events Fri Feb 12- "What's Love Got To Do With It?" Fri Feb 19- "Love Thy Neighbour, even if they are a refugee" Paul Kiss, Guest Speaker Fri Feb 26- "Jacob's Last Words" & Communion Fri Apr 1- Fools in Today's World Worship at Doon, Sunday 10AM Feb. 14: Love Sunday - David - God's True Love - The Story Chapter 11 Feb. 21: Old Testament Jedi - Star Wars Service - The Story Chapter 12 Feb. 28: Division - The Story Chapter 13 Mar. 6: Prophets of Easter 1 - The Story Chapter 14 Mar. 13: Prophets of Easter 2 - The Story Chapter 15 Mar. 20: Palm Sunday - The Fall of Israel - The Story Chapter 16 Mar. 27: Sunrise Service and Breakfast Mar. 27: -Resurrection Sunday Special Events and Services In the weeks ahead we have several key events: Save the following dates! Feb. 10: 7PM:Ash Wednesday with the ROCK at Doon (No pancake supper this year) Feb. 13: 6PM: at DOON-The ROCK Caribbean Night Dinner Buffet and Concert for Outreach and Mission. Tickets $25 Feb. 16: 7PM: MANCAVE Feb. 20: 9:00 AM -12:30 PM In-Depth Study/Discussion "Sharing Your Faith with Muslims" Rev. Paul Kiss - coffee and muffins. Paul is an ordained minister within the BIC. He spent 5 years as a missionary to the Muslim community in the East End of London, UK. Paul has lectured and facilitated many interactive workshops on engagement between Christians and Muslims. A ROCK-DOON co-event.
Timeline Photos
Thank-you @DoonPC for sharing potatoes @ZehrsMarkets #potatoblitz FROM @HOFKW #spuddyunselfie
Sunday, February 07 The Story: When God calls This Sunday morning, Pastor Ken Cullen will continue The Story with the Book of Samuel (1 and 2) and the calling of Samuel to be a prophet of God and to lead Israel from the judges to the Kings. Through this story we will see how Samuel heard the voice of God through the phases of calling; training, then waiting, the experience of opposition and the finally staying faithful to God's call. Music is a great way to share this story of calling to serve our Lord and King, and this Sunday we will join together as one in praise selections including Come Thou Almighty King, Majesty, My Jesus I Love Thee, to God be the Glory (not just for Easter anymore) and Hear I am Lord, the beautiful hymn of God's calling of Samuel and our own calling to serve God. Last week update: Last week, twenty members of the Conestoga Students Union Leadership Team to Guatemala were with us. Doon was able to provide a cheque for $873 through offerings and the bake sale to support them in their trip next week.
Timeline Photos
Assisted Death: A Christian Theological Response
“Assisted Death: Faithful Responses in a New Landscape” – A Conference – Feb 23-26
2/366 My cute find from work #✴
