Welcome to our BNI Kingston 1 Chapter
We meet every Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Visitors are welcome!
BNI is a professional marketing organization specializing in word-of-mouth referrals. The BNI strategy relies on a business networking strategy that generates business referrals within many diverse networks. BNI relies on structured business groups wherein each member carries the other’s business cards. When a “prospect” is met, the business card and testimonial information is shared and a referral is most often created.
BNI est une organisation professionnelle de marketing se spécialisant dans les recommandations de bouche à oreille. La stratégie de BNI, propre au réseautage d’affaires, accepte une personne par spécialité d’affaire dans chaque section. Dans sa forme la plus simple, voici le fonctionnement. Vos collègues, membres de la section de BNI, conservent avec eux votre carte professionnelle. Lorsqu’ils rencontrent quelqu’un qui aurait besoin de votre produit ou service, ils lui donnent votre carte et transmettent un témoignage informatif sur vous. C’est comme si vous aviez une équipe de vendeurs travaillant à promouvoir votre entreprise.
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This morning we had a very informative talk by Jan Kahlen from Royal Lepage about investment real estate. #networking #bni #kingstonentrepreneurs #entrepreneurs #kingston
Photos from BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's post
This morning we had a very informative talk by Donald Armstrong from Haven Home Climate Care in regards to different heat pumps, furnaces, fireplaces and many other services that Haven can help with.
Photos from BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's post
This morning we had a very educational talk from Michael Caldwell, president and founder of Caldwell wealth and advisory limited. In regards to investing and the different markets.
BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's cover photo
Photos from BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's post
This morning we had a nice talk by Dan Lambert from Caldwell Wealth and Advisory about the benefits of having Critical Illness.
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Photos from BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's post
A great start to the New Year at BNI this morning. We listened to Heather McNamara, a certified Travel Counselor from Destination Insights, discuss how she can assist with any traveling requirements, both business and pleasure. She was nominated 14th in Canada as a Jamaican Travel Specialist.
BNI Kingston 1 - Ontario, Canada's cover photo