Innovate Kingston
Supporting high-growth startups and bringing tech entrepreneurs together!
#ygk #entrepreneurship #innovation We are independent entrepreneurs aimed at building Kingston into Canada’s next great innovation hub.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS @mjdcreativeconsulting - such amazing conversations and inspirations came out of our iK Tech Talk last week! Want to join the conversation? Join our Slack channel, link to our website in our bio! #catchyouonslack #ygkfemalenetworking #ikecosystem
We are so excited to be hosting our first iK Speakers Series tomorrow! It's going to be a full Town Hall! A BIG thank-you to our sponsors @bentosmb @kingstownbeer @purelyinteractive . #ikspeakerseries #bentosmb #kingstownbeer #ygktechecosystem #ikmembers #femaletechleaders #funnetworking #localtalentygk
iK welcomes @jconradslc #slcinnovation & #slcbusinessengagent Director at our first iK Speaker Series tomorrow! Only a few spots left, register today - link in our bio! . #ygktechecosystem #ikspeakerseries #creatingatechecosyatem
iK is excited to be joined by Adam Tracey of Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP this coming Friday, March 23rd (11am-1pm), bring your lunch, Adam will be talking IP on a Lean Budget! Register today - spots are limited!
iK welcomes Michael Burnatowski, co-founder @airbrowz for our Tech Talk Event this Thursday! Don't miss out - join the conversation. Spots are limited, registration link in our bio! . #ygktechecosystem #ikspeakerseries #letstalkabouttechbaby
You're invited to meet Chris Richard, CTO @ratehub | Learn from his mistakes and successes! Register today, link in our bio 👍🏽🤓 . #ikspeakerseries #ratehub #ygktechecosystem #localsuccessstory
iK is pleased President of Troon Technologies, Jeff Neasmith is joining our Speaker Series line-up! Join us to learn how creativity, innovation, and forward thinking come together! Register today, link in our bio! . #forwardthinkingtech #ikspeakerseries #jointheikoocommunity
A proud iK moment!
Medical Makers | looking forward to hosting Dr. Julielynn Wong again with her Kingston Chapter of 3D-Medical Makers!
iK is thrilled to be joined by Carole Lair, serial entrepreneur and Co-Founder of @airbrowz. Learn how Carole has launched over 9 successful businesses, and what she believes are important aspects to cultivating your ecosystem. Register for your free ticket today, . #femaletechleaders #ikspeakerseries #ygktech #ygktechecosystem
We can appreciate how a vibrant ecosystem is important to any tech business, especially start-ups. iK invites existing members and the community to join in our first iK Speaker Series. Join the conversation, and learn from the current local ecosystem. Register for your free ticket today: #ikspeakersseries #kingstontechtalks