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facebook.comPart of being a great dad or father-figure is teaching kids self-love. Here's a reminder from an amazing parent to his daughter to never settle for less than she's worth.
Got any favourite #lifelessons from dad? Again from Mike at Chopped Leaf, this lesson stresses courtesy and confidence. Dads are full of #wisewords, indeed.
Less than 3 weeks to go before Father's Day! We're celebrating dads everywhere by sharing funny, profound dadvice. Here's one that Mike from Chopped Leaf likes to remind his 3 kids. What are your favourite "Wise Words from Dad"?
Running around all day and find yourself craving snacks? Invest in reusable containers and pack your own food to munch on. Cut up fruits can satisfy your sweet tooth. Nuts or veggie cut ups can be great for salty cravings. Idol, Nutty, or Zeus Cups can satiate heavier cravings.
Don't let eating healthy fall to the bottom of your to-do list! Build healthy habits to fit your busy schedule. One sure way to power up for a hectic day AND keep hunger at bay is to eat nutrient dense foods. When choosing meals, remember that the calorie count in processed food translates to empty calories, while a high caloric, nutritious meal fuels the body. Need a pump of energy? Power up with a Nutty, Idol or Zeus Cup.
We're so happy to share that Nicole and Dustin, our Franchise Partners from Sherwood Park, Edmonton, recently had their second child. Mother's Day feels like a fitting time to celebrate Nicole and her newborn, so please join us in welcoming the newest member of the Chopped Leaf family, Emma! #CLMom2016
Carrie's our head office Administrative Assistant and unofficial Office Mom. Just as she ensures that Chopped Leaf's head office operations run smoothly with a lively attitude, she runs a home full of life and love. Celebrate an amazing mom in your life. Comment below or create a post on Facebook or Instagram telling us about an awesome mom in your life, and you can win a FREE meal for up to 20 people in your family! Tag your post #CLMom2016.
Here's a super mom from the Chopped Leaf family once again: Jenni from our Royal Oak location! This is our mom Jenni. She's the best mom because she spends lots of her time with us. We like to travel with mom, we love the beach. We love making s'mores with her when we go camping in the summer. We love reading to our mom before bed and cooking with her during the day. She's really good at super Mario 3! We love you mom!
We're celebrating awesome moms - like Ashleigh! This little prince and the lady beside him are Max and his mom Ashleigh, Chopped Leaf's Design & Construction Coordinator. Between tracking budgets and ordering equipment, she makes time to take her son to school before work and play baseball, soccer, and video games with him. Tell us about an awesome mom in your life for a chance to win a catered meal for up to 20 people in your family on #MothersDay!
Are #calories bad? Calories are neither good nor bad; calories are a unit of measurement for energy in food. Nutrient-dense foods, like chickpeas, may have high caloric counts but possess protein, fibre, and good fat. Grab an Idol Stuffed Cup for a healthy dose of chickpeas.
Celebrate your mama & TELL US WHAT MAKES YOUR MOM SO SUPER for a chance to win a catered #ChoppedLeaf meal for the family on #MothersDay! 1) Create a text, photo or video post on Instagram ( or on Chopped Leaf's Facebook using #CLmom2016. 2) Like Chopped Leaf on Facebook or follow us on Instagram. (Mention what city your mom's in too!) We'll repost awesome nominations. Winners will be announced on May 5. See complete rules and restrictions on Share this post and spread the ♡ ♡ ♡
How is brown rice "better" than white rice? When rice is completely processed to get white rice, much of the grain's nutritional value, like the dietary fibre is polished right off. Brown rice is the product of removing only the hull of the grain, so it's edible AND nutritious. Fill up on delicious, nutritious food with our Zeus Stuffed Cup, featuring 2 scoops of basmati brown rice.