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Tour Essex Group

27King Street West, Harrow, Canada
Book store



The source for Essex County Ontario history books, guided tours, and talks on local history subjects.  


Tour Essex Group

Tour Essex Group

Timeline Photos

My new promo sign. The cabin was built by Sally Ainse in About 1780. I was lived in until at least 1980's and is still standing. Check her story on the web. She is buried in Amherstburg.

Timeline Photos

The Train show in Essex is coming soon. Feb 27/8 Call Bill Gay at the Essex Train Station for details. I will have a booth there selling the books I wrote and many local history books. See you there.

February 20.2016 Learn about the history of the Canadian Iron Industry. Based on the story of our Only Ghost Town on Essex County. Call Bill Gay at the Essex Train Station for tickets and details. Lunch included. I am the Guest speaker. The event is at 1pm at the Harrow and Colchester Hockey Arena.

February 13, 2016 Cabaret Singers Encore Performance and Dinner $25.00 per ticket Call the Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village for tickets and details. See you there.

Black History Month Canadian Heritage Month Scout/Guide Week Feb. 22 week Check out the Amherstburg Freedom Museum for the full list of events. Click on Black History Month. It is very extensive.

Time for the next seminar at the Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village. February 18th. Freedom the last stop. The story of the escaped slaves in Essex County and what became of some of them. I think you will be surprised. Many are famous and proud to be from here. These are people from the mid to late 1800's.
