Founded in 1991, the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre is a national museum dedicated to celebrating the historic and contemporary cultural contributions of Canada's working people through both the arts and a wide range of interpretive exhibitions. Located
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facebook.comSolidarity School: A Youth Event Series at WAHC
Solidarity School - Workers Arts and Heritage Centre
Introducing: Solidarity School! An event series for youth ages 18-29 at the Workers Arts & Heritage Centre, presented by WAHC's Youth Council. Read all the details about this exciting series on our website and register using Eventbrite today. Our first session about Youth Rights at Work is on March 23rd!
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Have you seen WAHC's article in the latest issue of the Sherman Hub News? Pick up a copy to read Program Coordinator Tara's reflections on leading the effort behind our programs for children and youth for the last two years, and introducing issues of workplace rights, working class identity and labour history to local young people. If you don't find yourself in the Hub often, you can get a copy at our museum-- we have plenty!
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Calling all community members with an interest in labour history, art of all disciplines and heritage. We are looking for expressions of interest from individuals interested in joining our volunteer Programming Committee. Members would have a hand in shaping our exhibition and programs for adults, children and youth. Deadline for applications is March 11th. We want to hear from you!
IWD Concert and Sing-A-Long Artist Profile: Janice Jo Lee
Our IWD Performance and Singalong is happening in a few short days, and our profiles of the artists taking part continue with this one of Kitchener-based political folkie, Janice Jo Lee. Learn more about her and her music by following this link to SACHA's blog. We look forward to seeing you this Saturday from 3-5!. #WAHCiwdsingalong
Heritage Minutes: Maurice Ruddick
Happy Black History Month! WAHC salutes Maurice Ruddick. Ruddick was one of the few black men employed at the Springhill, Nova Scotia mine in 1958 when he and over 170 other men were trapped after part of the mine collapsed. Ruddick was one of the last seven living men to be rescued. Despite a broken leg, Ruddick was lauded for helping his companions keep their spirits up by singing and leading them in song. He later described the experience in "Springhill Disaster," the song he wrote about the event. Maurice Ruddick modestly underplayed his leadership role, but others felt differently. "If it wasn't for Maurice," declared the mother of one of the miners, "they'd all have been dead." Learn more about Ruddick and the 1958 Springhill Mining Disaster in this haunting and iconic Heritage Minute video that many of you will remember being on heavy rotation on the CBC a couple of decades ago...
Shuttered Screening: Shift Change (1985)
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The incredible Lower East Side Tenement Museum is hosting a free, Tenement Talks to mark the anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911. The factory building will now be home to a permanent public art memorial and the panel will discuss the importance of the memorial as well as the fire’s resonance for immigrant garment workers from the 1970s and 1980s. If you are going to be in New York in March - head to the Tenement Museum on March 8th to check out the panel
IWD Concert and Sing-A-Long Artist Profile: Sarah Beatty
Our series of posts and profiles continues celebrating the contributions of women to labour and folk music on SACHA's blog. Here's a profile of IWD Singalong performer (and Environmental Scientist!) Sarah Beatty. Learn more about what inspires her music, and what she's learned researching labour songs written and performed by women leading up to our Concert and Singalong on March 5th. #WAHCiwdsingalong
Colouring with the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre - Graphic History Collective
Our pals from the Graphic History Collective posted some nice documentation of kids from our last PA Day session getting creative with their Joe Hill Colouring Page, drawn by skilled GHC Member Kara Sievewright. Many thanks to Sean Carleton and the rest of the GHC for sending a copy of their comic May Day: A Graphic History of Protest to one of our neighbourhood schools!
Stand Up For Steel
A few weeks ago, a group of youth from Factory Media Centre's Short Documentary - Concept to Completion workshops (lead by filmmaker Cher Obediah) came to WAHC shoot and talk to us about our Shuttered exhibition. They got to interview Steve Lechniak, Stelco retiree, photography buff and amateur archivist about his important contributions to the exhibition, and the importance of Standing up for Steel! Here is the finished product. Great job, gang! #WAHCshuttered
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Workers stories from around the world, African drumming, museum curating, lantern making, city building and more! Registration is open and spots are going fast for our exciting March Break camp for kids, Old Buildings, New Ideas! Complete information about each camp day is now up on our website. Sign up for as many or as few days of camp as you like. As always, this affordable camp includes a nut-free, nutritious lunch and snacks throughout the day. Sign up by phone, or via email using our online registration form.
Getting ready for the song along! #IWD #IWD2016 #HamOnt

Victorian Elegance. #wearableart #repurposedsilverware #heirloomjewelry #upcycledsilverware #vintagestyle @escartmentbyjuliejohnson

Cover page and extensive write up in Hamilton's main paper last week for the group show I'm taking part in on shuttered' #industry in #ontario. #hamilton #steeltown #hamont #


Excuse me sir? you can let go now. #hangingheadless #hamont

yes, yes, all the yes.

ATU local 107 Hamilton Street Railway, Labour Day 1911.

Matt McInnes - Worker's Cottage #drawing #printmaking #hamont

Dissecting this relic apart! #lotsofnewjewelryontheway #cuttingmetal #sawingskills #jewellerssaw

Workbench complete...thanks Jason! #jewellersbench #workbench #itwillneverbethiscleanagain

Up cycled Art Necklace #artnouveau #upcycledsilverware #repurposedsilverware #freshwaterpearls
