Welcome to the Town of Esterhazy's Facebook page. This page will be updated regularly with the different news and events.
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Holiday Waste Disposal (April 14th/2017) As Friday April 14th is a holiday, there will be no waste disposal pick-up. However, if your regular garbage day falls on a Friday, then your pick-up will happen on Thursday April 13th along with the regular Thursday pick-up. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Town Office at 306-745-3942.
There seems to be two seasons in Saskatchewan, winter and construction. For those people on Rupert Place, your back yard scenery will be looking a bit different this year. The Town has hired Graham Construction to build an additional water reservoir not far from the Water Treatment Plant. It is an underground facility however a larger area will be blocked off for safety reasons until construction is complete. Ball diamond #4 will not be available this year but will return for use next spring. The additional water storage meets the requirements the Town must follow to comply with regulations for the Water Security Agency. This project has been part of the long-term planning process for the Town - this project has been part of that process for approximately 5 years. Construction will be next week.
2017 Town of Esterhazy Survey
2017 Town Survey We want to hear from you! Please click on the link below to let us know your thoughts on a variety of topics, such as housing, quality of life, business and community development. It should take just a few minutes to complete. The survey will close April 13th. If you “like” and “share” the page, your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win $50 in Esterhazy Bucks! Draw will be made on April 19th.
SAMA - Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency - SAMAView Home Page
2017 Assessment Revaluation Provincial legislation requires that properties in Saskatchewan be revalued every four years. The last revaluation was completed in 2013, using values from January 1, 2011. For 2017 the base date will be January 1, 2015. What does base date mean? The base date is basically a date used as a cut-off time for the value of your property. In order, for the province to determine values for all the properties in the province they have a cut-off date they apply to these properties for revaluation. The province arrives at these numbers from real estate transactions as of January 1, 2015. For 2017, residential properties are set to increase approximately 18% provincially, and commercial properties provincially approximately 44%. All the properties across the province have been revalued including all properties in the Town of Esterhazy. Your new assessment for your property will now show the new value as of January 1, 2015, you will notice a significant increase in the numbers from your previous assessment. Each municipality, including the Town of Esterhazy will use the new taxable assessments, apply a mill rate and establish the municipal portion of your tax bill. Like the provincial government the town has the ability to adjust the mill rate that is applied in order to keep the municipal tax, fair and equitable for all properties within town limits. The Provincial Government sets the mill rate for the education portion of your taxes. You will be receiving your new assessment notices shortly. First, please keep in mind we will not be able to determine the effect these numbers will have on your property taxes until the mill rates have been set at budget time. Please feel free to stop in at the town office and ask questions - we will do our best to explain the changes to you and provide detailed information. There will also be an appeal process you may choose to use. Once you receive your Assessment Notice you will have 60 days in which to appeal. This appeal will be put before a “Board of Revision” who will hear your appeal. Appeals must contain specific information in order for them to be given to the board, an assumption that the value is too high or too low is not an acceptable appeal reason. Appeals are based upon an error in valuation, classification, the preparation and/or the content of the relevant assessment roll or assessment notice. Again, please feel free to contact the office and we will be more than happy to provide you with detailed information for your specific property. Another option you may wish to pursue is the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) website. SAMA is the provincial government agency that provides all the assessment services for the Town. You may wish to look at your specific assessment or others in town on this site at: once you receive your assessment notice. Change is something most people do not like, however in order to keep systems current and relevant sometimes these changes are necessary. Please feel free to ask questions, make inquiries and let’s make sure the values are in line with other properties. We look forward to working with everyone to ensure information is correct and we have a process in place that works for everyone. I look forward to meeting with you to answer any questions you may have and discuss your assessments with you. Donna Rollie Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
The 2017 Town Survey will be launched soon! The questions will touch on housing, business and recreational activities. Your opinions matter so please let us hear from you!
Due to storm conditions, the Esterhazy Landfill will be closed today.
Town of Esterhazy Furnace Tender The Town of Esterhazy is accepting tenders for: 1 – 100,000 BTU Furnace with 95-97% efficiency rating for the Water Treatment Plant AND: 1 – Wall heater for the Water Tower (natural gas) - both installed. Sealed tenders marked “Furnace Tender” will be accepted until Tuesday, February 14th at 4:00 p.m. at the Town Office 600 Sumner Street. Town of Esterhazy Box 490 600 Sumner Street Esterhazy, Saskatchewan S0A 0X0 Telephone: 306-745-3942 Fax: 306-745-6797 Email:
Canada Summer Jobs – Overview -
LOOKING FOR HELP THIS SUMMER? WHY NOT HIRE A STUDENT? FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR WAGES IS AVAILABLE! The 2017 Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) application period for employers is from December 7, 2016 to February 3, 2017. Canada Summer Jobs is a Government of Canada initiative. It provides funding for not-for-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer full-time employees to create summer jobs for students between the ages of 15 and 30. The application form as well as the applicant guide are currently available at You can submit your application online, by mail or in person at any Service Canada Centre. We encourage you to submit your 2017 application online. By doing so, you will benefit from a fast, easy-to-use, and secure way of applying as you will: • have access to the Canada Summer Jobs application 24/7, from any location, allowing you to complete it at your convenience; • ensure your application is received immediately by Service Canada; • receive an instant acknowledgement confirming that your application has been received; and, • avoid postal delays. There are two systems available to enable you to apply online: 1. Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS): If you already have a GCOS account, please use this online platform to submit an online application; or 2. CSJ online application form. For more information: Click: Call: 1-800-935-5555 (ATS: 1-800-926-9105) Visit: a Service Canada Centre CSJ presentation: La version française suit … VOUS CHERCHEZ DE L’AIDE POUR L’ÉTÉ POURQUOI NE PAS EMBAUCHER UN ÉTUDIANT? DE L’AIDE FINANCIÈRE EST DISPONIBLE POUR LE SALAIRE La période de présentation des demandes pour Emplois d’été Canada (EÉC) 2016 est du 7 décembre 2016 au 03 février 2017. Emplois d’été Canada, une initiative du gouvernement du Canada, accorde un financement aux organismes sans but lucratif, aux employeurs du secteur public ainsi qu’aux petites entreprises comptant 50 employés ou moins à temps plein afin qu’ils créent des emplois d'été pour les étudiants âgés de 15 à 30 ans. Le formulaire de demande ainsi que le guide du demandeur sont présentement disponibles au Vous pourrez soumettre votre demande en ligne, par la poste ou en personne dans n’importe quel bureau de Service Canada. Nous vous encourageons à soumettre votre demande en ligne. Si vous choisissez cette méthode, vous profiterez d’un service rapide, facile et sécuritaire qui vous permettra : • d’avoir accès à la demande d’Emplois d’été Canada en tout temps, peu importe où vous êtes, et de la remplir à votre convenance; • de vous assurer que votre demande est reçue immédiatement par Service Canada; • de recevoir un numéro de confirmation instantanément en guise d’accusé de réception; • d’éviter les retards causés par la poste. Il y a deux systèmes disponibles pour vous permettre de soumettre une demande en ligne : 1. Les Services en ligne de subventions et contributions (SELSC) : Si vous avez déjà un compte aux SELSC, veuillez utiliser cette plateforme pour soumettre une application en ligne; ou 2. Formulaire de demande en ligne d’EÉC. Pour plus de renseignements : Cliquez : Composez : 1-800-935-5555 (ATS : 1-800-926-9105) Visitez : un bureau de Service Canada Présentation EÉC :
REGIONAL PARK- EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY! Esterhazy Regional Park is currently seeking a part time seasonal Secretary/Treasurer position for the 2017 season (approximately 14-22 hours per week). Duties include: -Taking montly minutes - Accounts Receivables - Accounts Payables/Statements of Reconciliation -Payroll for park employees/ ROA’s for end of term -All government remittances and T4 preparation - Month End Reconciliation - Bank Reconciliations -Financial Statements. Accounting background preferred. Must have knowledgeable understanding of QuickBooks software. Please submit resumes by February 10, 2017 to: Esterhazy Regional Park Board Box 490 Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0.
For Release Immediate January 12, 2017 The TOWN OF ESTERHAZY IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE Federal and Provincial Grant Funding in the amount of $1.2 millon! Esterhazy— January 12, 2017 — Yesterday, Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and Donna Harpauer, Minister of Government Relations and Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs, announced more than $38.6 million for 28 new projects across Saskatchewan through the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund and the Public Transit Infrastructure Fund. The federal government is providing up to 50 per cent of funding – more than $19.3 million – while the province is investing more than $8.9 million. Local municipalities are contributing the balance of more than $10.3 million., The TOWN OF ESTERHAZY IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that it will receive grant funding from the Federal Government in the amount of $840,000 and funding from the Provincial Government in the amount of $420,000 for improvements to the Sewer Force Main and Lagoon Planning Study. (SPS #3) This force main is located in the northeast end of Town near the Esterhazy High School. In recent years with the amount of rain received the Town had considerable issues with the sanitary sewer system in that area and the ability of the existing system to handle the inflow. The overall project cost will be approximately $1.7 million however, with the Federal/Provincial funding the majority of that cost will be covered with substantial savings to residents and a new system that will enable continued growth within the Town and alleviation of concerns the Town has had with inflow in that area. Projects of this magnitude are handled through the Town’s engineers and will be tendered through Sask Tenders has been the practice previously. Contractors will be recommended for Council’s approval and the project will proceed once that process is complete. Mayor Spence commented that on behalf on Council he is very pleased to receive the support of the Federal and Provincial Governments respectively “This is a huge benefit to all the residents of Esterhazy”, he is quoted as saying. The Town applied for grant funding in 2014 when the program was first announced he advises and “although we have had positive responses from both governments, it was not until recently the Town was advised this grant may be forthcoming.”