We supply Edson and area with giftware,divination supplies and amazing coffee.Visiting mystics,psychics and mediums are available most days for readings. Metaphysical Coffeeshop with Patio
Open 7 days/week
Closed on holidays
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facebook.comCauliflower Cheddar soup today!!
Gerard will be offering a drum making workshop for the Summer Solstice celebration! This is a great opportunity for you to not only make your own drum but learn all the beautiful spiritual benefits that go along with drumming. There is limited spots so please make sure to contact Sacred Groundz and reserve your spot as soon as possible. please call #780-712-7077 Date: Thursday June.21 Time: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Cost: $175.00
The Summer Solstice is only a week away! It marks the longest day of the calendar year and the beginning of summer in the Norther hemisphere. It is also the day that the Sun reaches it's highest point in the sky. This is a time to celebrate with feasts, bonfires, picnics, and traditional songs and dances. During the Summer Solstice it is a good time to focus on love, marriage, and divination. A "mantra" that is very beneficial at this time is "I Know". Take the time to enjoy and celebrate and embrace the new beginnings of summer fun! Planetary ruler is the Moon. So this is also a good time to work along side with the Moon and it's special energy. Make sure to stop in at Sacred Groundz and be a part of the Summer Solstice celebrations! Our practitioner's have a variety of mini services to offer from reiki, cards, drum making, candles and jewelry. Everyone is welcome!!!
~The Daily Brew~ Happy Birthday Gemini!! You will need to tread carefully when dealing with people in positions of power over the coming year. Most likely you will be sending out vibes that give them the impression that you are after their position. It may of course be true, so learn to disguise your intentions. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): A little co-operation will go a long way over the next few days, and today it may take you all the way to an objective that has been annoyingly elusive. Team up with like-minded people and create something together you would not be able to create on your own. Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous It's a good time to review endeavours, correct mistakes, settle disputes & make amends, start taking things apart to begin healing & releasing. Let go of old ways of thinking and doing things. Break bad habits, addictions, end bad relationships. It is a time of deep intuition and divination, deals with subconscious enlightenment leading to the clarification of values & a process of creative release. Give thanks for what has been achieved. The period of the waning moon lasts about 14 days. Todays Tarot ~Trust Your Path~ "If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?" The Universe is conspiring. Keep facing your true north. Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your true north and take one step after another. If you do this, you can’t go wrong. The Universe is conspiring. Don’t waver or doubt. Use your heart as a compass and put one foot in front of the other. If you follow the invisible trail of what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying. Most people don’t follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step. If you take one baby step each day, within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction. If you want to write a book, write a page every day. If you want to change careers, do one thing every day in dedication to that. Before you know it, in just a year from now, you will turn back and look in awe at how far you have journeyed. Keep moving and open yourself up to a whole new level of support and receiving. Things are not going to work out the way you are planning, but if you have a little faith and keep showing up, they will work out even better than you could possibly imagine. Don’t micromanage the Universe, trust your path, and let your soul lead the way. Please share! #daily #brew #monday #Gemini #horoscope #waninggibbous #tarot #workyourinnerlight #trust #your #path #support #Universe #lead #move #step #spirit #universalenergy #metaphysical #coffeeshop #magic #manifestation
Soup’s on today!! Potato cheddar mmmmm
~The Daily Brew~ Happy Birthday Gemini!! You possess an artistic or creative skill that you have not developed as much as you should over the years. Over the next 12 months you can and you must devote yourself to making something of it. Do it right and you could be the next big thing. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): You must not let fear get the better of you over the next few days, because the closer you get to Wednesday’s new moon the more opportunities to excel will come your way. Don’t hide in the shadows – make the front of the stage your own. Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous It's a good time to review endeavours, correct mistakes, settle disputes & make amends, start taking things apart to begin healing & releasing. Let go of old ways of thinking and doing things. Break bad habits, addictions, end bad relationships. It is a time of deep intuition and divination, deals with subconscious enlightenment leading to the clarification of values & a process of creative release. Give thanks for what has been achieved. The period of the waning moon lasts about 14 days. Todays Tarot ~Awakening~ "Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration." You are going through a period of awakening. Things are changing within you and at many levels. You are starting to remember ancient truths, and discovering more and more about who you are and why you incarnated. You may find that you are experiencing past-life flashbacks, seeing the invisible thread that is woven through all of life, or even feeling kundalini Shakti rise through your body from the base of your spine. The most important thing for this time is not to overthink it and to stay grounded. Share your experiences with like-soul people while you consciously integrate them. Journal and pay attention to your dreams. You are remembering and your soul gifts are emerging. During this time of transition and awakening, you may be called to devote yourself to being of service. There are ideas, truths, concepts, books, and creations waiting to be birthed into this world. Stay open to receiving them. Pulling this card may be a sign that you are here to birth one of these creations into the world. Or perhaps you are being called to make a shift in your life in order to be of service. Don’t think too much about it, instead repeat the following: WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Place hands on your heart and say: ‘I surrender to my awakening. I allow the Shakti energy to rise from the base of my spine. I open myself up to the Universe using me in a way that delights my mind, body, and spirit.’ Please share! #daily #brew #sunday #Gemini #horoscope #waninggibbous #tarot #workyourinnerlight #awakening #energeticupgrade #newway #shakti #open #service #spirit #universalenergy #metaphysical #coffeeshop #magic #manifestation
mmm A little bit of sunshine on this gloomy day ~ come on down and get yours 😊
Showing us how to get our OM on 😊💞
~The Daily Brew~ Happy Birthday Gemini!! Do you know what it is you are hoping to achieve? If not you must take an hour or two out on your birthday and draw up a plan for the coming year. Don’t make it too rigid but don’t make it too vague either. Give yourself guidelines to follow. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): If you allow friends and family members to distract you over the next 48 hours you won’t get half as much done as you should have. You have so much going for you now but you cannot afford to be sidetracked by petty issues. Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous It's a good time to review endeavours, correct mistakes, settle disputes & make amends, start taking things apart to begin healing & releasing. Let go of old ways of thinking and doing things. Break bad habits, addictions, end bad relationships. It is a time of deep intuition and divination, deals with subconscious enlightenment leading to the clarification of values & a process of creative release. Give thanks for what has been achieved. The period of the waning moon lasts about 14 days. Todays Tarot ~Protection~ "Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval." You are being called to protect your energy and call back your power. May all the lost pieces return home now. Take a look at who and what drains your energy. Do not keep your tabs open. Shut down energetically each night. Energetic cords are formed between people, places, objects, and events, so it’s important to keep checking in. Your energy and energetic space are sacred, so treat them as such. Keeping your energy clear takes work. As we go through life, we can give away our power, so it is important that we call it back by cutting energetic cords or doing a form of healing known as ‘soul retrieval.’ Can you think of a traumatic event, relationship, or soul memory that you are being called to call back your power from? Check into your body now and see which chakra feels like it needs a bit of an energetic clean-up. WORK YOUR LIGHT ACTIVATION Visualize the chakra (chakra's) that needs an energetic clean-up and repeat the following: ‘I call back any lost soul fragments, power, or light now. Any vows, soul contracts, hexes, or programs from the past or present, from this life or others that are not in the highest good of all, I relinquish now. Any power or light that I have willingly or unwillingly given away or had taken from me, I call back now. Any cords or attachments from this life or others, I release now for the highest good of all. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.’ Please share! #daily #brew #saturday #Gemini #horoscope #waninggibbous #tarot #workyourinnerlight #protection #clear #energy #cordcutting #chakra #soul #retrieval #spirit #universalenergy #metaphysical #coffeeshop #magic #manifestation
Little Jellyfish love for ya 💞