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I don't like the conditions of the roads and what they might look like when it gets dark and colder. I'm gonna cancel classes tonight and resume in 2018. Happy New Year's everyone
2018 CVBC will be running classes on the weekends. Starting Saturday Jan 6th we have hired a new coach from Toronto to run boxfit classes. 12 rounds of sweat dripping fun where you won't only get a great workout, you'll also learn proper technique. We hope to run 2 classes each Saturday. One at 12pm and one at 5pm. Cost is $50 for the 4 week program or $15 drop in. Message me to sign up.
Hoodies and t shirts are ordered and will hopefully be here by Xmas. Hoodies$50 t shirts $25
We are drawing up the finishing touches for hoodies and t-shirts. Stay tuned......