Snowmobile Accessories
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facebook.comWe wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the time with friends and family! See you in 2018!
Thanks guys. Getting lots of good feedback, as well as a lot of surprised people that we make tunnel racks and bags. Yup, been doing it for years. Nothing bounces around and everything stays tight and dry. Plus, more colors than the rainbow.
Alright, I have enough people asking so I thought I would snap a few pics and do a post on this. Even though I drive a big manly 1 ton, it still has a itty bitty 6 foot box. When hauling just my sled I feel silly with an expensive sled just hanging off the back of my tailgate.... so build a little lift. I wanted easy, one man usable and I wanted my lights moved back a bit. I built this out of 2" tubing. It involves a support that collapsed so I could load and unload my sled without having to remove the support. I am able to pin this together easily once loaded, then utilize the scissor jack to lift the sled off the tailgate. Trailer lights are mounted at the back of this lift which plug into my truck, and a 1.25" bar on top of the scissor jack lift the sled without damaging my track. I gave the 1.25" bar ends so the sled doesn't slide from side to side, and our track bar ties the back end down easily. Any questions, let me know.
I have a little dreidel I made it out of clay And when it's dry and ready O dreidel I shall play!! Happy Hanukkah Everyone!!
Merry Christmas everyone. Kids are screaming, toys are banging, bellies hurting from turkey... is there anything better. May you have a Merry Christmas and cherish the ones your with. Merry Christmas!
Always working on the site. For those that don't know or have a hard time converting Canadian Dollars to US Dollars, we got you covered. We now have a small slider on the bottom left corner of the page to change from Canadian to USD and back again. Enjoy!
Vernon Sled Show, wow. So I had my arm twisted by Craig Moore. I was told that it is a good enjoyable show. No that is no lie! I have never been so comfortable at a show, and have so much help with things. I ran a small booth, and needed an extra hand from time to time, Craig, Jaclyn and Megan were all of such help, and the show was quite fun. Minimal set up and tear out really makes these show a lot easier to handle. I can't thank you or your team enough, and you can pen us down next year for sure! Thanks again, and see you on the mountain.
Looks like we are going to Vernon! Schedules are moved around and yup, we are taking a booth at the Vernon sled show. In speaking with Craig Moore of Icerock, sounds like things will be hopping there. We can't wait. If you are interested in our lights, flare kits or other products, swing by and see our product in person. If you have our gear already, make sure you swing by and say hi!
Ladies best friend? We hope not, we are a G rated store! Because we have so many things that we are adding to our store, I will keep you posted on line as the go in. This product is our spring clip with 8" extension. Pure awesomeness!! Simply slide our GoPro light into the extension and squeeze and clamp. You now have about 120 degrees of movement, and the unit can spin 360 degrees. Uses include: lighting us staging areas when getting changed or loaded, field dressing an animal, camping, helping hand when working on something... the uses are endless. As always, any questions, please give us a shout.
Ladies best friend? We hope not, we are a G rated store! Because we have so many things that we are adding to our store, I will keep you posted on line as the go in. This product is our spring clip with 8" extension. Pure awesomeness!! Simply slide our GoPro light into the extension and squeeze and clamp. You now have about 120 degrees of movement, and the unit can spin 360 degrees. Uses include: lighting us staging areas when getting changed or loaded, field dressing an animal, camping, helping hand when working on something... the uses are endless. As always, any questions, please give us a shout.
OK, we are kicking off our Black Friday sale. When you buy a light kit, we offer free shipping on your entire order. Please note, due to the nature of our products, all shipping is ground only. Any questions, please let us know.
Got a cool pic? We are looking for a good photo of you using our light for riding of any sort (dirtbike, sled...) for a fall ad campaign. If you have one that we can use, please let us know, lets see what you got!