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Cassandra Thorne RMT

906 Brant st, Burlington, Canada



Local Massage Therapist currently growing patient base. Working together with you and your body to reach your health goals. I found my love for the human body and it’s never ending ability to adapt in my Bachelor Science Honours Kinesiology Degree. Here I began my journey of searching for knowledge of human anatomy and the manual manipulation of it.
Through research and personal experience I found my way to massage therapy. The ability to work one on one with people, and work together to achieve their health and wellness goals, is what really won me over.
Every day is new challenge with new patients and old. Every person brings with them a new puzzle, made up of their body and the life they have lived in it, and Together we work to figure it out.

Bachelor of Science Honours Kinesiology - McMaster University
Diploma of Massage Therapy - Sutherland-Chan School & Teaching Clinic
Registered member of good standing with the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario



From everyday stresses like work, family, and bills to the unexpected ones like accidents and illness; it's hard not to be stressed out all the time. Take a few minutes to see what stress can do to you and why it's so important to do what we can to decrease it!

Mike Vacanti

Exercise and health is for everyone!

I found my love for the human body and it’s never ending ability to adapt in my Bachelor Science Honours Kinesiology Degree. Here I began my journey of searching for knowledge of human anatomy and the manual manipulation of it. Through research and personal experience I found my way to massage therapy. The ability to work one on one with people, and work together to achieve their health and wellness goals, is what really won me over. Every day is new challenge with new patients and old. Every person brings with them a new puzzle, made up of their body and the life they have lived in it, and Together we work to figure it out.



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