Port Dover Harbour Marina
Municipal Marina located in the East Basin of Port Dover, Ontario.
Season: April 15th 2018 - October 15th 2018
A division of the Community Services Department of Norfolk County.
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facebook.comThe Port Dover Harbour Marina is now taking Transient Reservations!! Get your booking early for this summer’s event weekends🎉🌊⚓️
Sunday Fun-day!! Whether you're doing some Sunday cleaning or Sunday chilling today is a beautiful day to come down to the lake!! It's going to be sunny and not QUITE 75 but still a gorgeous Dover Day!! Pop in the office to hear about our upcoming events, news and services!! Happy Sunday!!
The Port Dover Harbour Marina will be extending our Spring hours beginning Tuesday, May 1st. Gate Hours: 8-5:30pm Office Hours: 8-5:30pm Gas Dock Hours: 9-5pm Washrooms also open Tueday, May 1st. Happy Sunday everyone!!
Happy Earth Day!!! It's a beautiful day to celebrate our Earth!! If you're in Dover we encourage everyone to take a walk along the beach or town and pick up at least 10 pieces of garbage!!! We're going to do our rounds at the marina today - and remember RECYCLE as much as possible!! The Earth and Lake Erie thanks you!! We'll post our photos of our clean up below... can you beat us???
Spring is here!! 🌞⚓ Get outside and soak up some of that Vitamin D and watch as Port Dover comes alive today!! We hope to see some of you down at the marina enjoying the day - the gate will be open until 4:30pm today. Happy Friday everyone!! 🌞🌊🐠
Skip the Straw!! Join the Port Dover Harbour Marina's Staff as we pledge to "Skip the Straw" and plastic bottles in order to make Lake Erie and our home of Port Dover a better place!! Can you Skip the Straw??? 🌊🐠🌊
The Port Dover Harbour Marina Opening Day is today April 15th!! Mother Nature may be testing us today but we're hoping she has a warm, sunny summer in store for us!! We will be in the office today despite weather from 11-4pm; please be advised that both patrons and the public will not be allowed on the docks today due to safety concerns and ice conditions. We look forward to seeing you all for another season!! Please feel free to contact us with any questions/concerns via direct message on this page, email or phone (all listed in our about tab but also at the bottom of this post). (519) 583-1581 portdover.marina@norfolkcounty.ca Happy Sunday!!